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i feel defeated....

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My title says it all... i have been working for this company 3 years now. At first is was great! I loved everything about this company and i was doing well. It was a sales role and i would kill it. I received a promotion after one year and everything was going my way. I bought a house with my girlfriend and became full time with benefits and everything. I felt as though i am where i needed to be in my life.


Just recently, the CEO of the company changed. Everything about the company that i loved was non-existant and it was all sale driven. The pressure is becoming too much and the tone of the company has completely changed. I have been through some interviews and leaving them feeling great but I never get the role at the end. I feel stuck in a job hat i hate now and the only reason i haven't quit yet is because i feel like i need to keep this job to provide for my girlfriend and our family.


My brothers work in a factory and i want to work with them but my job security would be my worry. Right now it would take a lot for my to lose my job in my current role but I don't want to do it anymore. I need a new job that will pay me the same if not more because my girlfriend's job is not stable either and i feel like its my responsiblity to hold down the fort but sometimes i feel like i am a big disappointment and I'm letting my family down.


My other fear, if you have read my other posts, is losing my girlfriend. Working long hours and not spending time with her may deteriorate our fragile relationship. My insecurities hurts me and i know i shouldn't be worried about this but it crosses my mind everytime i'm away for the whole day. Call me crazy i know but i am working on it. But none the less, i feel trapped in my position and afraid to let go.


I'm not really looking for any responses. I wrote this just so i can vent but all opinions or suggestions are welcome.! thanks for reading!

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I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. I've been there, hoo boy have I ever. All I can tell you to do is find ways to decompress when you aren't at work. You have to learn to detach yourself from your work, to find joy outside of that. And I know how hard that is, but it's what you're going to have to do if you want to survive and keep working until you can find another job. Watch funny movies, take up jogging or kickboxing at the gym, meditation, something, even if you spend 15 minutes doing that when you leave work it will help.


In the meantime also maybe take a step back for a moment and see if there's anything you can do at work to help things. What exactly is stressing you out so much? You say you're a good salesman, so I'm betting it's something or someone beyond just sales themselves. Is there any way to fix it? If so try that, if not you may simply have tolet it go. Start building up savings if you haven't already, look at what you can do to cut costs down, and keep interviewing for other jobs.


As to your girlfriend, she either understands your long hours or she doesn't. I'm hoping she's working too and you aren't killing yourself at a job while she sits at home all day. If that's the case I'm sorry, but that needs to change and she needs to contribute. If it's not then make the time you both have together a good one. Focus on her as a means also of decompressing from work, even if it's just you both sit and talk in a park or go for a long walk together.


Those are some suggestions I have. Plus journaling, vent to your heart's content. Sooner or later you will see a way through, have a bit of faith in yourself.

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You are obviously not happy at your current job and that's understandable, it sounds like the culture has changed. I would love some more information about why you aren't getting these jobs you are interviewing for - are they other sales jobs? Are you qualified for them? You say that you are top performer at your current job. Typically, top performers can write their own ticket. So I am curious to see why that is not working for you.


Hold your head high, you will find something else.

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Consider that your excellent rep in your job can be your ticket to getting hired for another role within your company. Speak with HR, not about your dissatisfaction, but rather about your interest in learning other skills in a new area for your own development. See what they suggest that you do to prep and apply for such a role.

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