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Feeling really lonely but I can't see him?


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Me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 months. He lives 200 miles away from me We can't see eachother much because of the money and kinda time. It's his first relationship but not mine so I realise that sometimes he just doesn't understand. I do really love him but sometimes I kind of have doubts. He's always talking about getting married having kids etc and at first I just thought it was a bit of fun but now I don't know how to tell him that it might not happen cuz it kinda makes me feel a bit suffocated. I'm a complete loner at school, I do have a few "friends" but I hate them all except one but she no longer goes to school and never wants to hang out so I feel really isolated and lonely allot and it really hurts that if I could be with him he'd make me feel all better but I can't be with him. Sometimes when I get angry and upset about stuff that has nothing to do with him I just feel really annoyed at him. I keep thinking that I wish we never started going out and I don't even know why. Sometimes I don't think that he's what I really want especially in looks which never used to bother me.

I just hate feeling rrly terrible all the time and all I can do is message him and call, the only time I ever feel truly happy is when I'm with him. I can't make new friends cuz I've tried, joining afterschool clubs etc but some people just act rrly hostile towards me and it makes me feel horrible. I make polite conversation with people and they just pretty much shoot me down.


How can I feel happier?

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Talking marriage after 5 month is tooooo early!!! And you are in a LDR. That makes it wayyyy toooo early! Take your time and if you don't think that he is the one, follow your gut feeling. If you think that this is not it, then most likely this is not it. You know what I mean?

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Yeah we met through a military themed youth club at a camp. We see eachother at least once a month but it doesn't feel like enough.


Well maybe it's a bit of an exaggeration but at the club there's a few people that I've never spoken to and they just act really horrible to me, like if we're partnered up they complain in a really nasty tone. Yeah I am shy and maybe I didn't make an effort with those people but that doesn't give them the right to act really mean. One of them was saying to a guy that if they don't find anyone else that they could go out with me as if I'm some really ugly girl no one wants to go out with nd the other guy made vomiting noises. I'm not usually easily offended but it really upsets me when people are mean to me when I'm in a situation where I have no friends with me and I've never done anything to them. Some people at the club are nice to me but their allot younger than me (I'm 16 their about 13) so it's not that great.

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Yeah I know but I feel bad explaining to him that it probably won't happen. To be honest I wanna go live my life, archive my goals and generally just have a bit of fun before settling down because that idea is just not for me right now Imean I'm only 16.

I don't know he's the one for right now but I defiantly do enjoy being in the relationship right now

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What Clinton said. You are 16, far too young to be pinning your hopes on a guy 200 miles away. You need to try harder at home and school to find other people to be friends with. Teenagers can be a nasty lot, making fun of others etc., but not all are like that. The cruel ones tend to stand out.

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Good advice Maybe I should try a different club, I just always feel scared that no one will talk to me because they all have ttheir own friends. I will try to make conversation with people in my classes more often. To be honest I don't think I'll be able to find a new guy right now and I do care about him allot but maybe I should try to be less attached to him.

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I don't really know any guys that well here and allot of the ones I vaguely know tend to be very rude and love themselves far too much but I will maybe try a bit. I'll try to put less eggs in the one basket with him

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