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What would you do?


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Today ,I found a wallet on the elevator in my building complex that has $200,bank card and a health Card. The face on the ID looks familiar ,I'm pretty sure I've seen her before. Unfortunately I don't know her apartment number nor do I know anything about her. Heck I don't even know the name of the person that lives next to me for that matter. My apartment complex has 15 floors and I really don't talk to anyone other than exchanging social niceties with some.



I lost my wallet once in the past with money and cards in it, So I know how it feels to be the person who lost the wallet. ..I'd like to make her day. I was thinking to hang on to it for now, just in case I see her again .Then again she'll probably replace the cards by then but at least she'll get her money back? Or would you hand it to the cops given the wallet has identification inside ?

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I'm confused. If it has a driver's license or an ID card shouldn't it have an address on it?? The face on the ID means the face on what? The Health Card?


Does it have her name on it? You could call your landlord and ask which apartment number that person lives in. Alternatively you could give it to your landlord and ask that they get it to the owner.


I'd look for an address on any of the cards inside, and if I couldn't find one I'd call the landlord and ask.


You could always knock on a lot of doors, it'd be a way to meet your neighbors!

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I just thought of something,I am going to call the Office(they have all the tenants names) tomorrow to ask them to give me her apartment number .I'm not sure if they would for safety reasons.I will give it a try


OK, but in the meantime, put a big note in the elevator and one in the lobby. She may be searching for it tonight, and it would be a huge relief to connect with you.

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Post signs in the elevators and if your lobby has a notice board as well telling that you found a wallet, call and/or email with description of said wallet and what's in it and you'll arrange to get it back. She'll see it sooner or later, probably sooner, contact you and get it back that way. Just make sure the contact information you give to reach you isn't anything that puts you at risk of strangers now having a personal phone number or anything.


When something like that happened with me I set up an throwaway email and the owner of the wallet contacted me within a day. And great on you for not keeping it and wanting to get it back to her, BTW.

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Yes definitely, I lost a wallet years ago with $300 and my sin cards in it, I didn't think I would find it in million years. Like, what Patrick said, many will keep the money unfortunately. I even began the process of replacing my cards and I just thought to myself"merry Christmas to who ever found it" LOL To my surprise the lady who found it handed it to the police station ,(she didn't take the money) and I got everything back. I didn't even get a chance to meet lady to thank her, I was very grateful . This happened 10 years ago


When I found this wallet today,I automatically had flash back to a time when I was the person who lost the wallet and someone else returned it. Now its my turn to make someone's day I'll do what others suggested to post a note on our lobby notice board. If I don't hear from her, I will call the main office

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Here in Ontario yes your health card has your name and your picture on it but not your address at least the new cards don't have your address. Some of the older picture cards do.

I live in Ontario and have the old red and white health card with no picture on it. There's plenty of them still out there!

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I live in Ontario and have the old red and white health card with no picture on it. There's plenty of them still out there!


Yes, I realise. My dad still has that one. But what tipped me off that OP was Canadian and lived in Ontario was when she was talking about the health card. And the new health card does not have one's address on it the old picture card before this one did. My health card was replaced two years ago this new one doesn't have the address on it but the card before it had the address as well as the picture.

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Instead of giving it to the police, I would just take it to the office of your building complex. You know the woman lives there. They will be able to give it to her very quickly, within the day. With the police, it would take longer. Just give it to the complex manager and be done with it.

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