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controlling guy?!


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hi everyone so im pretty pissed and confused atm, a guy ive met once and been talking to online for a few months has become super controlling and manipulative with me. Hes about 15 years older than me if that makes a difference. Anyway he started becoming really possessive of me where he will ask who i talk to, gets stressed when i go to clubs etc and this is took the piss today he said i was sexting a guy friend which i havnt, i confronted the guy friend about this as i thought he might of spoke to him about it, turns out he hasnt. The controlling guy had a huge rant at me and told me not to talk dirty inappropriate things to other guys! thing is were not even dating properly or boyfriend or girlfriend i dont know how to confront him about it??


ps. hes made fake accounts on social media to try and 'catch me out' or talk to others to see what ive done etc creepy..

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You need to send him one text telling him to never contact you again, block and delete him on everything, never respond. And if he tries to contact you and turns threatening you go to the cops and file a report that he's stalking you.


This guy is showing extremely dangerous red flag behaviors of being abusive and/or a stalker and you need to cut all contact with him now, like as in yesterday. \


Stay safe, end all contact now.

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