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Facebook Privacy/Timeline Settings

John John

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I havent' been active on FB in a very long time. I only want to reactivate it so I can use one or two new dating apps I'd like to try. I have some pictures I want to upload, but do not want everyone else's timeline to show that I've uploaded them (they aren't bad/naughty pics, get your mind out of the gutter).


Does anyone on here know how to tweak your FB privacy settings so that nothing you do shows up in the public timeline? Or, is this just not possible?

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Most dating apps ask for your permission to post things on your behalf on your Timeline. I think you can uncheck those boxes.


I don't trust those, though.


Also, you can delete/change who sees posts on your timeline, but with a dating app, you'd have to do it after it had posted something already.

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Most dating apps ask for your permission to post things on your behalf on your Timeline. I think you can uncheck those boxes.


I don't trust those, though.


Also, you can delete/change who sees posts on your timeline, but with a dating app, you'd have to do it after it had posted something already.


Thanks WithLove. No, I know the dating apps themselves ask you permission, but you know how we all would log into FB on our phone and just scroll through the timeline? I dont want any of my activity to show up on the public timeline, if possible. I hate FB, and am only using it now becuase these two dating apps are forcing me to.

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Okay, so I just went through my Facebook and you can change it so that you're the only person that can see things A) you post on the timline, B) others post on your timeline, and C) things you're tagged in.


Account Settings > Privacy - and also Timeline and Tagging


You need to make the changes to each category.

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Okay, so I just went through my Facebook and you can change it so that you're the only person that can see things A) you post on the timline, B) others post on your timeline, and C) things you're tagged in.


Account Settings > Privacy - and also Timeline and Tagging


You need to make the changes to each category.



Hmmm...I may have tried that, but when I changed my default pic, I think it still showed up in the overall general public timeline. So annoying...will double check and try again. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

off topic but this actually how a guy I went to school got caught on a dating site when he was married. every time he updated something on the dating app, it would post it on his timeline because his privacy settings were not right..so obviously his wife saw this. smh

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