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Confused!! She gives signs and then backs away drastically


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Hello everyone


I want to ask for advice, me and my Ex gf broke up 4 months ago, it has been a roller coaster of emotions and mostly downs and no ups.


We both have done things to eachother and we have both we have apologized for. Last time we had talked we both said we loved each other but we acknowledged we needed time to figure each of ourselves out by our own. We both dream of being back together in the future and when things are going to be well.


One day I went to drop our dog off where we used to live together and she had had a couple of drinks, we kinda made out long huged and said how much we loved each other. I have been trying to keep a NC rule as much as possible, but we do have a lot of things we need to address together.


She had an appointment of her to see a doctor and I offer to drive her, took her there and then proposed to go next to a river to enjoy whatever little summer we have left, we where there and had a nice day, and even went to the movies afterwards, during the whole time together it was a little bit weird with some flashes of what we used to be, but we still hold hands and had a nice day. She even was all lovely in the messages she sent me after I had dropped her off.


But now she doesn't want to answer my messages but for the necessary, I asked her if everything was ok and she doesn't answer,I have no clue whats going on!


Any advice?

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Yes, stop chasing after your ex. She's getting support from you without having to give you what you want because you are acting like a spineless weakling. You are broken up. Act like it. If someone is giving you mixed messages, they aren't giving you the right messages. Stop begging for table scraps like a dog. You already have one you need to take care of, which, by the way, needs to either be yours or hers. Dogs aren't children, there isn't joint custody and visitation. Stop using the dog as an excuse to chase your ex.


Go No Contact. Anything that hasn't been addressed by now isn't terribly important, or it would have been addressed. I think you're using it as an excuse to hover and orbit around your ex.


Also, how the hell are you going to "figure things out on your own" if you aren't on your own?

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