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Avant garde/obscure/experimental art-flms-music


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I thought it'd be nice to start a thread and share information on avant garde and obscure creativity


I recently saw a film called 'Under the Skin' with Scarlet Johansson and I thought it was fantastic! It's very much an art house film, very atmospheric, eerie and haunting.


'Under the Skin tells the strange story of an alien being who - for reasons barely explained - disguises him/her/itself as an attractive woman (Scarlett Johansson) who picks up single men in and around Glasgow. These men will not be readily 'missed', and she uses her sexuality to lure them to a - literally - sticky end.'


I also found the soundtrack very interesting by a guy called Mika Levi, I have never heard of him before.


Has anyone else watched the film?


What have you watched, listened to lately that you found unusual and interesting?

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