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Guys: How Accurate Do You Find This Article to Be?


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I think for most guys maybe half of that list will apply to them, and what will change is which half. There's always going to be a very real danger in thinking "this is a guy thing, so this is what I should expect" because first and foremost, you're not dating some abstract, aggregated, generalized representation of what guys are or should be...you're dating a specific guy who might find this list mostly representative of him, partially representative, or not at all representative of his own views.

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I think it's pretty accurate, in a broad general sense. Horoscope was a good description.


I mean, lets take a look at one.


"If You Make Him Watch A Chick Flick, At Least Give Him A Blowjob Afterwards"


I don't particularly mind chick flicks. I wouldn't expect to get one just because I watched one. However, I would never turn down a blowjob, so it's hard for me to find this particularly objectionable, lol.


Most of these are just plain common sense and decency. You shouldn't emasculate your man? No sh*t? Really?


Some of these apply to just about every human on earth. "He Needs Quiet Sometimes"? Who doesn't.


There are some on here that aren't me, at all though.

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Just my opinion, but I think it was written by a woman.

If any guy fulfills about 90% or more of that list, he sounds like total scumbag.

Totally agreed. And the upvote reps are in your favor today.

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