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how often should i message this girl i am interested in?


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Hey guys! I've been on two dates with an old friend and things have been going great! However, we both go to different colleges and we cannot see each other until we get back for the summer.


She proposed a week after i saw her (a month ago) that we should meet up again for a third date. Yet we have kept very little contact since then and we still have another month of school!


Now my question is if i should be messaging her in order to keep her interested. I have texted her twice to initiate conversation twice in a row (a week apart) and she still seemed attracted. Yet I've left her to initiate the conversation this time, but I have had no response in over a week! I want to keep her engaged, but i don't want to bore her with menial conversations over text!


Also, we are both very busy at school, so keep that in mind. Thanks a ton guys!

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i'd usually like to say go with the flow and not worry about the number of texts you are sending. if i am interested in someone, i'd love to hear from them no matter how busy i am.


it does seem like she is no longer interested since she hasn't reached out to you in a week and prior to that you were the one initiating the texts. school should never be an excuse, how much time can sending a text take?


why haven't you set up a date when she brought that up 1 month ago? there is a possibility that she is losing interest because she thinks you're no longer interested. if i was in your position i'll probably give it one more shot. you should text her and set up a date. try to keep the text conversation light so you both have something to talk about.

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whoops, my bad. The only reason why we did not confirm an actual time for the third date is because we did not know when our exams ended! We both "confirmed" that we will go out as soon as we are both back home!

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whoops, my bad. The only reason why we did not confirm an actual time for the third date is because we did not know when our exams ended! We both "confirmed" that we will go out as soon as we are both back home!


then there's nothing much you can do besides keeping up with the electronic communication, unless you are willing to travel to see her. if she's interested, she'll be happy to see you. if she's not, then it might freak her out a bit. at this point, i don't know if she's still interested, only you could pick up on the signs. summer does seem a long time, and anything could happen

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Call dont text you cant tell someones reactions / feelings when you text its harder to read people.Plus some people are not good at writing text messages so it comes accross as him / her not caring what the other person is saying its just better overall to call someone than text.

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