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Iv never been able to trust him


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I'm 19 and iv been with my boyfriend since I was fifteen. The whole time we have been together he has always messed around on me not physically but always sexting other girls or talking behind my back with them ect. We have broke up and got back together a lot of time. I have never been able to trust him every time I start to think maybe I can he does something that makes me not be able to. A couple weeks ago I found out he was lying to me for a year. Telling me he wasn't talking to a girl he use to like that I asked him not to talk to anymore I broke up with him and we got back together. I was on his phone last night where I saw he was looking at personal ads on craigslist...we were only broken up for two weeks. I asked him why he was and if he met up or talked to these girls he told me he wanted to see what else was out there and that he didn't. First of all why even get back with me if he wanted to see what else the world has to offer and secondly how can I believe he didn't go meet up with these girls...one ad he looked at was about a girl looking for sex how do i know he didn't go have sex with this girl? I'm so confused and hurt. I love him but I don't know how to be with him and trust him with everything he has done to me. I don't know how to move on from him iv tried but I can't for some reason can someone help me?

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He is not worth your trust. He will eventually cheat on you physically and this will not end. Staying with a cheater, they never respect you. The disrespect will worsen over time until they find someone else to be the back up plan. Your young. If this guy is untrustworthy now, no amount of maturity is going to change it any time soon.


Let this one go. Cut him loose. It's not love that keeps us holding on to the ones who disrespect us, it's the false hope that someday our honor will be redeemed by them. This never happens.

The best way for a player to get the hint is to lose.


You will find you held on to this person for all the wrong reasons and you will fortunately find someone of real value that values you as well. It's worth letting go for. And yes, it will happen. You deserve way better than that.

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