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Can we sit together and how should I deal with this


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Hi, so I have posted my story but the jist: both 19, both first real relationship (13 months), both each others firsts, broke up with me because "she saw me as a friend and didn't love me anymore and wanted to like other guys. After 6 days NC I am feeling OK. I got a sad feeling when I saw a picture of her (mutual friend on FB) but it went away in a minute but I feel pretty good. We have class together and I am wondering whether I should try and avoid her at any cost (she comes and sits next to me) or just ignore her and be polite while I do NC. I assume you'll say to avoid for my own well being but I am feeling pretty good. I am wondering whether I should outwardly show my resentment (by sitting away) or just give the facade that I am fine. I am excited to be on the market (I chose her over 2 other girls and I know I can get another girl within a week) and have been focusing on that and was wondering if that is another reason to sit away from her (I'll likely rebound fairly quick). Is it worth it or not? And if I sit one person (between us) away should that be fine? Otherwise I know people and can sit a long way away.

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You seem very full of yourself.


"I chose her over 2 other girls and I know I can get another girl within a week."


Seriously?? Do you not care WHO the girl is, just as long as you have a girl?


Quit trying to send a certain message to her by sitting next to her or away from her. SIT WHERE YOU WANT TO SIT. If you WANT to be next to her, sit next to her. If you WANT to be away from her, don't sit next to her.


And ladies are not disposable things that you can just replace. So don't treat them like that.


And FYI...based on the fact that you're putting this much emphasis on sitting/not sitting by the ex, you're not ready for a new girl.

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