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Observarion - It's so much easier providing advice on here than accepting it!


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*Sorry - Thread title should read - "Observation - It's so much easier providing advice on here than accepting it!"


I can relate to many of the experiences that people share on here, and one thing's for sure, I've learned it's so much easier providing advice to other people on here than accepting it.


I wish I could see my experiences from a more objective point of view so I could provide myself with the best advice possible!


Yeah, not so easy...


Just venting, I guess.

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Well it is easier to provide advice because we are giving our views from a outsiders perspective and our advice is logical whereas the person who wants the advice is emotionally involved and this will skew their views.

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I think it is human nature. I did quite a bit of journaling leading up to, and after, my break up, much of it excellent advice to myself. Much of which I did not follow until much later. Many of us have to learn by experience, and sometimes what looks like the hardest way to others is the way the helps us learn the best.

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