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ENA users... you guys are great :)

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I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone here, it's awesome to see people helping each other through such troubling times and i just wanted to say that just about everyone I've talked to on here seem like pretty genuine people who know how to treat other people in life. To all the girls and guys on here I'd like to say you seem like people i could consider really close friends! Everyone here just keep on going and don't let the world get you down too much because i find everyone's personalities here really attractive! You all are really awesome thanks so much to everyone for just being there

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Yeah i mean just think about it. There's no judgment for the way we look, what our race is, and there's no preconceived notion for who we are. All we see are each others personalities, It's awesome how i can feel so appreciative of someone i've never seen or met. It kind of makes me wish i was blind to humans sometimes, I could love people solely on personality how awesome would that be?

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