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Why do I still feel like this?

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It's come to a point where I'm no longer checking up on his social medias or thinking about him throughout the day but every time before I go to bed there's a little glimpse of him and sooner or later I doze off. But the dreams I have are super real and ofcourse unhealthy. Last night I was dreaming that I was asleep, weird right? Then in the dream inside mine he was there kissing me and we were just having a good time like we would just cuddling in his bed and I said you're not real you're with someone else now you don't understand how much it hurts that you're not real and here with me and he said it hurts me too, I really want to be here, it's perfect right now. Then I woke up from that dream, ofcourse crying. I thought I could already feel myself falling out of love with this guy, I mean it's about 2 month almost 3 since the BU and barely a month and a few days NC. I miss him terribly, and it's not getting any easier as time goes on and I keep having these dreams cause I over think things way too much. It goes from how he would claim he was in love with me I just couldn't see it about a week post BU to him posting about sleeping with his new girlfriend about two weeks after that. Ofcourse me thinking it was an act of desperation due to me telling him I wasn't going to talk to him anymore since he had asked advice on what to do with her, which hurt and continues to. Since I've asked more guy friends of mine what they do post BU and most answers are similar, move on and don't feel the pain, rebound rebound rebound. Which is basically my ex which is no surprise to me acne he's one of the most immature guys I've come to meet. Yet I'm still not over it. HELP

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Dreams of your ex are very normal, even after months post BU. I am two months and I have them too. I know it sucks when you wake up and reality hits you. Its the kind of feeling that s eating you from the inside for the rest of the day. But there's really nothing you can do.. Some people suggest reading a book just before you go to sleep to make sure your last thoughts of the day were not about him, I believe that you just have to go through this phase to help process your feelings subconsciously... Take care

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