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Painful, ugly thumb nail. Please help.

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I suffered a trauma to the thumb years ago and the nail started to detach, if it isn't, then it's similar to 'onycholysis'

Recently I lost the nail after a fungal infection underneath and the bed of the nail is now split and bleeds often, on top of this, the thumb is slightly swollen and very tender from the tip to just past the joint.


This is probably the third time this has happened and the nail grows back and detaches again every time. How can I reduce the pain and will the nail ever be normal again?


I know it's not the worst thing in the world, but it's one of those little things that really knocks my confidence, especially now I'm dating again and have to explain to everyone I meet what happened

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Definitely see a doctor to get it treated. Fungal infections can be dangerous and the fact that it hurts/bleeds even years later is a big signal your body is sending you to take care of it. If it were okay, you wouldn't have these symptoms/complications. You need medical attention.

Before you say "I don't have money"....whatever it costs now will pale in comparison to what it could cost if you are left to treat a blood infection/hospital visit, etc.

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It is a good idea to see a doctor. They will probably take clippings from the nail to test for any fungal infection and if they find one then they will treat it. But your nail will never be normal again, even if it grows back it will be discoloured and it is just something you have to live with.

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What they said about seeing a doctor. There's no way to know for sure if your nail will ever look "normal" again or if there will be this discolouration as the new "normal". I had a problem with the toenails on my biggest toes. They did eventually grow back normal, but the problem was from trauma, not a fungal infection. The problem is, the longer you leave something like this, the greater the odds you'll do long-term (or permanent) damage.

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