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shock and awe

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Well, the shock is that I received the proverbial "hope you are well" text from my ex-fiance. I haven't seen his face since Dec 24, 2012 and he hasn't initiated contact with me in at least 10 months, NC for about 6 months. The awe is that I deleted it without even questioning whether I should text him back or not thanks to eNA. If he wants to discuss anything with me after leaving me for dead the last year, he's going to have to do a lot better than that. I'm not getting sucked back into the will he/ won't he respond cycle that left me almost suicidal 5 months ago. Wow, I can't believe how much stronger I am today than I was even a month ago. Yay, me!!! Now I'm going to turn my phone off for the rest of the evening.

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