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My thoughts and feelings

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I don't know if this is normal or even healthy. When I see my girlfriend who I only see maybe twice a week if were lucky (due to distance). I find it very difficult to leave her and come back home. When I do I don't feel the same as when I'm with her. It's like we always have a great time together lots of laughs and good moments. Then when I get back to my life it seems like part of me is missing. I'm really not sure what to think. I wish me and her could afford to live together but right now its not possible... I think I'm just rambling now but i dont know.

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it's always hard to leave someone you care about...as long as that "part of me feels missing" feeling doesn affect other things in your life, like your ability to work or concentrate on things you have to...then it's perfectly healthy.


If it affects your daily functions, then it is a bit on the obsessive side and you need to work on accepting your situation for now.

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bear in mind that if this is your first LDR...that you might come to find you are the type that NEEDS a relationship that is a bit more solid when it comes to actual physical time together....and that is not a bad thing...if you find the distance bothering you more and more...then you are the type who is better off keeping a relationship local...so watch your heart.

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