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I am in love with my best friend but married to another.

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I am in love with my best friend. About 4 years ago, she and I discovered that we both shared the same feelings. We were both married, unhappily, and shared some very intense feelings. Over the years, our sexual relationship was off and on. Mainly off. Whenever it is on, it is almost magical - she makes me feel like no one else ever has. I would love to just come out in the open and be with her. Her feelings are more complex. She came from an abusive childhood, has a sibling that is gay, and this was not well accepted by the family. She would prefer to not rock the boat with her family, and is not really willing to accept her feelings for me. I do know that she loves me, but is not willing to overcome all of her hang ups to be with me. She has since left her husband. My relationship with my husband has been rocky for over 6 years. He is an alcoholic but will not admit to it. I have a beautiful daughter who loves her Dad and is blind to his faults. He has a daughter from another relationship and has warned me on numerous occasions that he would fight me over custody. I am not willing to give up any time with my daughter, nor am not willing to knowing that there is nothing solid for me to go to. I already know that my best friend is not prepared to be in a sexual relationship with me, but I don't want anyone else.


My life is totally screwed and I am so damn unhappy.


What should I do????

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