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Girlfriend Keeps Getting Late Periods, Any Input?


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My girlfriend is 24 years old and healthy. She works out 3-5 times a week and watches what she eats. However, sometimes her periods are not consistent. And I understand that they change and are not always on a certain day each month. We keep track of them on our calendar that we share online.


The problem: About 5 months ago there was a time where she was 5 days late. Than last month she was 7 days late, which prompted me to create a thread on here because I was worried she was pregnant. Now this month she is 6 days late as of today! Again I am getting worried.


She told me 5 months ago (when her period was 5 days late) that when she was in high school she had to take birth control because her periods would not come for months at a time.


Does anyone have any input as to why her periods are late? Could it be from stress?


Something similar happens to a friend of mine. She is on BC pills and now is more regular. If you guys are trying to get pregnant, perhaps is time to see the doctor and talk about it, if not, then BCP is the best solution to have regular periods.


can be so many different things man...has she talked to a Dr. lately...why is she not on BC right now if i may ask?

Plus if she is stressing about not getting it, i believe it can cause it to not come on time aslo




I just had this scare last month. my ex gf was over a week late and we were on the way to pick up a preg. test when she got it that day.


If it is always 5 days late, maybe her cycle has readjusted itself and 5 days later is the new date. Mine periodically does that. You can't be 2 days late for a year, if that makes any sense. My cycle adjusted - it was originally 28 days, then went to 31 for years, then ended up readjusting to sometimes 29 and sometimes 30. She just may be one of those people - which means she should abstain from sex or ALWAYS use two forms of protection since ovulation is not predictable (condom and foam, etc.)


So you aren't trying for a baby? Ok why then are you sharing her period info with her online on a calendar? Seriously curious about that one.


My period readjusts all the time. It gets thrown off by all kinds of things, it's my natural to have an irregular period. Maybe she is the same. She should talk to her doc if she is concerned.


Mine will change literally depending on the women I am spending a lot of time with. I'm sure you have heard of this. Women synching up. I think some of us are more prone to it than others. Don't know why.

So you aren't trying for a baby? Ok why then are you sharing her period info with her online on a calendar? Seriously curious about that one.


My period readjusts all the time. It gets thrown off by all kinds of things, it's my natural to have an irregular period. Maybe she is the same. She should talk to her doc if she is concerned.


Mine will change literally depending on the women I am spending a lot of time with. I'm sure you have heard of this. Women synching up. I think some of us are more prone to it than others. Don't know why.


is this true? my ex gf when we were trying to figure everything out said something about syncing up to her best friends period who is her roommate at college now

is this true? my ex gf when we were trying to figure everything out said something about syncing up to her best friends period who is her roommate at college now


It happens more likely when there are 3-4 women living together instead of just 2. This definitely happens. But its ovulation that actually synchs up, and as you know, having a period is the tail end or after effect of that. That is how I understand it. Its reproductive competitiveness.

It happens more likely when there are 3-4 women living together instead of just 2. This definitely happens. But its ovulation that actually synchs up, and as you know, having a period is the tail end or after effect of that. That is how I understand it. Its reproductive competitiveness.


Yes, it is when you put more than two women together.


Sounds like this is normal for her.. She's probably just irregular. Before I went on the pill the day my periods would come were complete crapshoots lol

So you aren't trying for a baby? Ok why then are you sharing her period info with her online on a calendar? Seriously curious about that one.


My period readjusts all the time. It gets thrown off by all kinds of things, it's my natural to have an irregular period. Maybe she is the same. She should talk to her doc if she is concerned.


Mine will change literally depending on the women I am spending a lot of time with. I'm sure you have heard of this. Women synching up. I think some of us are more prone to it than others. Don't know why.


It is an online calendar between only her and I. It is where we put down our plans for the week. We just put down when it starts and ends.


is this true? my ex gf when we were trying to figure everything out said something about syncing up to her best friends period who is her roommate at college now


Yes it is true. My gf before living with me, lived with 3 other girls. They were always synced up.


and to OP...why is she off BC now if it was helping out in HS before?


Religious reasons


Oh god. I'd be seriously creeped out if my hypothetical boyfriend kept track of my menstrual cycle on a calendar.


Maybe you should address that issue too.


Maybe that is why you don't have a boyfriend because you seem really uptight. It is an online calendar between only her and me. It is where we put down our plans for the week. We just put down when it starts and ends. She has in the past suffered from bad PMS symptoms so we wanted to keep track.


I think that is a highly mature response to dealing with PMS - you know when it's going to be, so instead of being sinsitive, you have the opportunity to at least nip it in the bud beofre she blows up. NICE!


I think you just have to deal with it as consider it part of her. Every woman is different.


are you using protection....if so then i wouldnt worry as much if it happens all the time..i know it sucks..trust me ..when my ex was late that was all i would think about every day until she got it...


I don't think it's weird to help her track her cycles. Before I had this app on my phone, I used to tell my ex. Between both of us we'd wind up remembering. He had a great memory. It helped me figure out my moods(I had PMDD).


My cycles used to be exactly 28 days...Then they went anywhere from 21-29 for a period of 6 months before hanging out at 27. Sometimes bodies just...do stuff.


Yesssss it came! So my question is now....what is consistently causing her to have late periods? I only wonder because I want to know she is ok and healthy.


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