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Philos' Journal About Life & Dating & Love etc. As I Experience It


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Introduction/Mission Statement


After looking at some of these journals I thought I would start my own. I'm not sure that many guys have journals like this on this forum so it'll be interesting to provide not just a male perspective, but my own personal perspective, on life as I experience it. I keep and have kept a written journal for the last two years, but it is sometimes a brooding ground for self-pity and it gets oftly lonely read by only me and sitting in my closet.


This post will provide background on myself up to the current point of life I am at; future posts will reflect life as I experience it. I am going on a road trip for a couple weeks to LA next week so the first up-to-date post won't come until mid-August.




School: I am currently a junior at Eastern Washington University in the Secondary English Education program. I have a 3.65 GPA right now and in two years I can graduate and start teaching English at middle/high schools. I graduated high school in 2005. I went to community college for a year, dropped out, went back a year or two later, and got my AA and an ABA-Approved Legal Administrative Assistant Certificate in 2011. At this point, if I added up all the college credits I have (including the Legal Certificate) I'm already over 180!


Employment: I am currently unemployed. I will have work study and minimal (but increasing) student teaching this upcoming school year. I have worked retail, telecommunications, restaurants, the census, and completed a ten month internship at the Attorney General's Office about a year ago. I was unable to find a legal job so I went to the University.


Hobbies: I play a lot of computer games - some competitive (League of Legends) and others not (Diablo 3). I play some instruments (mainly the guitar). I am currently writing songs to record an album either this fall or winter. I have two completed songs and three to four fleshed out songs that are still incomplete at this time (one missing a solo, another missing a bridge and a solo, etc.). I am making great progress with these songs though as I only completed the first song a couple months ago. I have played guitar for over nine years.


Life: I currently live with my parents and older brother - though he is closing on a house of his own very soon.


Love: I had my first kiss and first relationship three years ago with B. We were together for over a year until she broke up with me and promptly landed herself in another relationship instantly. This is about when I joined ENA - in the grip of despair. I struggled a lot and did everything - short of offering the devil my soul - to get over her. It was a hard time.


I went on a few dates last October with a girl who wasn't interested, a couple awkward dates here & there until I met A in February. A & I were together for a month, I broke it off, we reconciled a month later, and were kind of together for another month or two, until we mutually departed (was actually mutual!). That was just last month.




I have a lot going on these next couple years. I'll probably start trying to date again in late September/early October when school starts back up, I have money, etc.


I hope everyone will enjoy my interactive journal as it develops and that it may offer insights and wisdom, least if not humor.

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