TearsofFate Posted July 20, 2012 Author Posted July 20, 2012 I have a new symptom..along with the lots of burning I am now losing my voice a lot. It feels like a ball's in my throat when I talk. I'm confused now. I think there's an infection in there for sure.
luminousone Posted July 21, 2012 Posted July 21, 2012 Thinking of you and I hope you were able to get in to see the otolaryngologist to get this resolved... Let us know how you are
Mercurial Girl Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 This happened to my grandmother about a month ago. She tried the bread, vomiting, everything she could think of. Eventually she went to ER to have the damn calcium pill removed. I bought her some chewable calcium when I picked her up from the hospital, haha You'd think eventually that both a cashew and calcium pill would soften up enough to pass, yeesh.
tiredofvampires Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 Yeah, I'm wondering how you're doing, too. I went to see my ENT (routine ear cleaning) yesterday, and asked him about all this. And he told me some pretty chilling stories about the places food can get trapped, showing me all the anatomical charts. I know this is an extremely complex area of the body, but I didn't realize it was that poorly designed, lol, given how common EATING is. One of his patients had swallowed a blueberry in a smoothie that ended up hovering around his vocal cords, and while it was still in the back of the throat, we're talking about millimeters from being able to get sucked into the windpipe. He also said another patient swallowed a pill and it went UP into the post-nasal area behind the nose, and since it had aspirin in it, it just about nearly burned a hole there (since aspirin is very acidic and harsh to membranes.) YIKES, I'm just a little more scared to eat now. Not something to think about too much!! Learn something new all the time. Hope you're okay, OP, and that it wasn't infected by the time they got to it, though with as much bacteria in our mouths as we have, and it being broken down over a few days..... Here's one thing to take out of this: if a doctor dismisses you without doing something you feel may be essential to your peace of mind, which is just basic good sense, such as looking IN the throat when there's something wrong IN your throat, don't just let that be the end of it. The ER staff should have called in a specialist. I told my ENT about how they told you to go home and eat cold, soft food like ice cream, and he said that's the old wives' remedy and complete nonsense. And this doctor is in his late 70's.
ninachamile Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 AGONY!! I hope you get some relief soon. At first I was wondering if maybe it got stuck in the nasal passage like Mercurial Girl's grandmother. But you did not mention any pressure, no effect to breathing like a stuffy feeling and it felt it was in the throat rahter than higher from the back of the throat. All this talk about food getting stuck in unwanted places with chances of infection or even a possible death from choking makes me want to puree my food and eat it with a teaspoon. feel better soon!!!
Mercurial Girl Posted July 22, 2012 Posted July 22, 2012 At first I was wondering if maybe it got stuck in the nasal passage like Mercurial Girl's grandmother. eeeeehhh? 8-[
TearsofFate Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 I'm sorry I haven't done an update in a bit. I had an xray done and they still didn't find anything. I have another appointment tomorrow. My symptoms upgraded to severe burning when eating anything, red eyes, and swollen neck glands The burning is probably the worse part. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I'm thinking maybe eating those nuts set something off ...some sort of irritant to my throat. Since then, things have not been normal. I don't know why but my eyes are red, and itchy feeling and really dry. I'm not sure if the red eyes are related to my throat...but it just feels like something is burning my throat and irritating it to the point of my eyes going red, and my glands swelling. I am seeing another doctor tomorrow. I'm actually wondering if it's acid reflux burning the cut in my throat and causing a great deal of irritation. I'm not sure. The doctor said my xrays look normal...but I don't know, I don't feel normal. This is torture
TearsofFate Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 It's really hard to explain this to the doctors because if they look at my throat it looks fine from the back, and now my x-rays look fine too. They probably think I'm making it up, but I finally got an appointment with a ENT. It took forever for them to refer me to one. It's like you have to have a major reason to go to one, if you don't have a family doctor to refer you. It's kind of hard because in walk-in-clinics they deal with minor issues it seems, while the ER deal with emergencies...so if you are stuck in the middle without a family doctor it becomes hectic to get normal doctor to take a look at you. The ER is like "oh you are not dying so come back when you are" and the walk-in-clinic is like "we don't have the stuff to look down your throat, only to the back of your throat. We can prescribe antibiotics or suggest resting a lot, but don't really have the equipment to see what the problem is." What a week. So many possibilities went through my head, like...acid reflux, the cashew is still lodged somewhere, mono, ..some sort of weird blood poisoning..allergies to the air I am breathing.." ...I am at a loss at this point.
TearsofFate Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 tiredofvampires: I think all the doctors in Toronto (where I live) must be in their late 70's..because they keep sending me home. I'm finally seeing a proper ENT tomorrow. Thankfully this is the last time I have to go on a wild goose chase to find one, because I can keep phoning this one without being referred from now on. All I do now is phone and make an appointment.... If anything is lodged in there still, it feels like where I swallow or around where I talk. There is definitely a stuffy tight feeling there, along with burning and irritation. It feels like the skin there is raw or something. Like putting salt onto flesh when I eat anything.
Mercurial Girl Posted July 24, 2012 Posted July 24, 2012 That's quality walk-in doctors for ya! lol... I know exactly what you're talking about. Sorry you're not getting the help you need. It's so frustrating. If I can I try to follow up with the same doctor each time but their schedules aren't consistent so it can be tough. Hope you feel better soon.
tiredofvampires Posted July 24, 2012 Posted July 24, 2012 What a crappy and frustrating situation! Here, if you have something like that, it costs about $400 for a special call to an ENT in ER, but they do it. Why? Because if you have something stuck in your throat it may not be an emergency right then, but it could escalate into one easily. DUH. Of course, it's useless to do anything (including an x-ray) until you have an ENT look down your throat with the proper equipment. Did you tell the ENT's office you had severe symptoms and it was urgent that you be seen? At any rate, I'm relieved to know you'll be seeing one at last. If you have swollen lymph nodes, that's a sign of infection. Do you have a fever?
TearsofFate Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 Also, tiredofvampires: Thanks for checking with your doctor about this. It's actually inspiring. When I was a the hospital I demanded a ENT referal, thinking about what everyone said on this tread. Thanks for that. It worked, I finally got a ENT. I don't know if I would have demanded one if it wasn't for the advice in this thread so thankyou ninachamile: I feel like pureeing my food too. I think I might stick everything in a blender from now on really! I'm probably never eating cashews or any kind of nut ever again...I threw out the rest I had. Never again. They are really yummy but not really worth all this trouble! I don't think they even dissolve because..whenever I eat cashews and things I can still see the pieces in my #2... It might still be in my throat. ick luminousone: Thank you, I will update this when I get back from the ENT. I really hope he doesn't send me home, or I'm moving to another city!
Mercurial Girl Posted July 24, 2012 Posted July 24, 2012 luminousone: Thank you, I will update this when I get back from the ENT. I really hope he doesn't send me home, or I'm moving to another country! Fixed lol Same problem everywhere.
TearsofFate Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 tiredofvampires: I told them I felt like I was burning up (my face) but they didn't take my temperature. They did last time, and I didn't. I'm not sure if I have a fever, I don't have a thermometer. I think they thought I was making it up or something. I don't want to go to that hospital anymore. It's called St. Joseph Health Centre. If you live in Canada anyone..don't go there. I feel run down, and my face feels hot. I don't know if I have a fever, maybe a slight fever. My neck glands hurt to the touch. I keep napping a lot. The weird thing is, is the doctor gave me a paper with a phone number, and told me to phone the ENT (which he circled out of a bunch of doctors) and wrote the reason why on the paper. But he told me to phone, tomorrow, specifically..after 10am and to mention he referred me. I really hope he knew what he was doing. I'm really worried right now still.
tiredofvampires Posted July 24, 2012 Posted July 24, 2012 The weird thing is, is the doctor gave me a paper with a phone number, and told me to phone the ENT (which he circled out of a bunch of doctors) and wrote the reason why on the paper. But he told me to phone, tomorrow, specifically..after 10am and to mention he referred me. I really hope he knew what he was doing. I'm really worried right now still. So you don't actually have an appointment? If there is any sort of run-around after this point, tell the ENT's office point blank that you are aware there are structures in your throat that only an ENT can see, that food may be trapped there for over a week, that you feel hot and have swollen lymph nodes since the inciting incident, that you have had voice changes, and that you absolutely must be seen on an urgent-care basis, because not once since the date of the incident have you been properly examined with the appropriate equipment. Be very, very firm, and if necessary, go to the office in person and demand to be seen. Tell them you'll be happy to sit in the waiting room and be worked in.
TearsofFate Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 I think it might just be a bad hospital. I remember when I lived in Burlington, I went to the hospital because I inhaled a couch cushion piece (I have bad luck with choking) and I had no symptoms...but went just in case (even though I swallowed it) and they had the ENT right away, with the throat cameras and everything. Another time I was there for another throat problem with acid reflux (which felt less severe then what I have right now) and the ENT was there right away with all the equipment. In Toronto, it's like they just won't listen or something... I have to go back there again tomorrow (same toronto hospital to see the ENT there) The hospital in Toronto is really bad. The doctors there kind of don't listen to the symptoms and assume things instead of really checking. It's like they think "oh she's walking, so she's okay, next!" Sorry, I'm ranting..I'm just really not feeling good right now and venting I think I'll try and sleep for now if I can, and get ready for tomorrow's big adventure back into that place.
TearsofFate Posted July 24, 2012 Author Posted July 24, 2012 So you don't actually have an appointment? If there is any sort of run-around after this point, tell the ENT's office point blank that you are aware there are structures in your throat that only an ENT can see, that food may be trapped there for over a week, that you feel hot and have swollen lymph nodes since the inciting incident, that you have had voice changes, and that you absolutely must be seen on an urgent-care basis, because not once since the date of the incident have you been properly examined with the appropriate equipment. Be very, very firm, and if necessary, go to the office in person and demand to be seen. Tell them you'll be happy to sit in the waiting room and be worked in. Okay thanks, I'm definitely going to start yelling at them if they say I need to do the appointment a certain way. The doctor I saw gave me a paper that says "Referral for "My name" " on it...and he told me to phone after 10 today (now today since its 1) I'm only guessing it was late in the day, so he told me to do it first thing tomorrow when the doctor comes in (around 10 I believe for the ENT) I'm really hoping that's why he said that. But if something messes up I'm actually going to get mad at them, because I have run out of patience. Seriously. Thanks for all the help everyone!
tiredofvampires Posted July 24, 2012 Posted July 24, 2012 Well, I don't understand the system there, but good luck. And if you get any problems, pull out the medical language. Tell them, "If I have a piece of food that is decaying in my vallecula, or it's trapped near my larynx -- if you don't look for this to rule it out, and I develop a very serious infection or inhale it into my pharynx, you will be legally liable."
TearsofFate Posted July 27, 2012 Author Posted July 27, 2012 Update: I didn't choke yet. I went in again and they couldn't find anything wrong except they noticed I have a rash on the roof of my mouth. It still hurts in there, but they said it looks like there is some damage done, and it needs more healing. I'm not sure if they checked my valleculla..I almost passed out when they stuck the camera down my throat. I had a panic attack too, and just wanted to get out of there. Although I have some good news. Yesterday when I was attempting to eat ramen noodles (just to see if I could handle it) I felt a huge thing go down my throat. It was sharp and big, and felt awful, ...it hurts today but suddenly I can eat solids again. I can swallow a bit better now too. I was wondering if it was the cashew ..and it finally went down. The guy with the camera didn't go past where I swallow, but did notice damage and a lot of tension in the muscles there. Maybe the cashew was under it somehow? o_o I have another follow up appointment soon by another doctor (throat specialist). It still hurts, and feels funny, but I am eating semi-solid food now (I ate a pizza pocket today and eggos and toast) with no tea or water needed. So I'm hoping it'll get better now. Edit: Pizza pocket: It's like pizza (pepperoni, green peppers, and mushroom, and tomato sauce in a pastry, Eggos (round waffles made of wheat) Sorry, I just thought I'd put that for anyone who doesn't live in Canada or the US.
luminousone Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 Oh I am so glad you felt that piece go down and you can finally eat a bit! I am also glad you are going to a throat specialist so he can see if there is any damage or any residual food stuck there. As far as the rash, I really wonder if your body is now allergic to nuts - or at least cashews. So be very careful if you ever eat nuts - or better yet get tested by your doctor to make sure you are safe to eat them.
avman Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 Glad you are starting to feel better and whatever it was went down your throat. Those doctors sound like they don't have a clue in the world how to do their job...
grainsofrice Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 oh wow, I'm glad you are feeling better now. I love pizza pocket!!!
TearsofFate Posted August 9, 2012 Author Posted August 9, 2012 I don't know if anyone will read this still but I have a bit of a funny story. I had an appointment (one last one) for August 13th coming up. I was going to cancel it as my throat healed, but ...as I was bike riding the other day a bug flew up my nose! It's never came out, and it feels tickly in there and funny. I'm not sure if it's still in there, but I am keeping my appointment just incase it's dead body is in there (it's hard to tell at this point) haha. Why do I keep having things getting stuck in my air passages this summer! At first I kept worrying, but this time, as the bug squiggled in my nose..I laughed from the sillyness of my situations! Thanks everyone!
chitown9 Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 I am glad that you can see the humor in the situation.
Mercurial Girl Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 LOL oh my gosh you poor thing. Bad things come in 3's...what will be the next thing to get stuck in one of your orifices?! Kidding! Hope the buggy isn't bothering you...consider it a good source of protein
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