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c-section this week! AH!


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So my doctors have my csection scheduled for monday..... i'm really excited! But im also terrified...


because of my last c-section being a vertical incision, plus kidney problems, along with being diabetic....the doctors are actually fearful of me going into labor. So they said they'd really PREFER to do my section early.


However, I'm BARELY going to be 37 weeks pregnant, actually 36.6....


We didn't do an amnio to check for lung function, or anything! I'm really afraid the babies aren't ready to go and I will end up a NICU mommy.



They said lung function doesn't matter, because they dont want to risk my kidneys failing or my uterus rupturing (the two biggest risks for me right now).... basically, theyd rather have the baby in the nicu than me in a life threatening position.


Both babies are boys. One will be taken to nicu immediately, as his kidneys didn't develop properly....the other seems to be healthy, and is a full 6 pounds a week ago, as per our growth scan.


Has anyone else delivered at 36.6 weeks? Babies spend any time in the NICU?


I have a cousin who had twins. She didn't have a c-section but I know she delivered several weeks early. One was born a little bigger but they're going to be 4 soon and he's still bigger than his brother. Always has been. There was a problem delivering the smaller one because his left leg somehow got lodged in the birth canal and the doctor had to pull on his leg a little too hard to get it out. That resulted in the baby's leg being bruised, but neither him or his brother were in the NICU.


On a side note, isn't it normal for twins to be delivered early?


Daughter had her first baby at 34 weeks. He spent a week in NICU but he did wonderfully and is now a super happy energetic 9 year old. Good luck with your delivery on Monday. No negative thoughts, your babies will feel it. Only happy positivie thoughts!


it used to be much more "normal" for twins to be delivered early...but apparently, recent studies have found that keeing em in there ti 39weeks was healthiest. sooo....now drs recommend csections ONLY at 39 weeks....


MOST hospitals force an amnio if you're delivering at 37-38 weeks (with induction c/section vs natural labor) but...mine doesnt.


when i read about it, it says 2% of babies born at 37-38 weeks have immature lungs. the amnio can tell if the lungs are underdeveloped, but they CANT tell if theres a different lung problem....so you stll have a .5%-1% chance of having lung problems...with the amnio.


ALSO, the amnio carries a risk of infection, and cant actually detemind how serious the underdeveloped lungs are.


meaning... the baby could need oxygen for a few hours, and thats it.


it seems kind of like the benefit of this one does NOT outweigh the risk.


if its safer to deliver at 36.6, and the boys end up on oxygen for a few hours or days...its not a huge deal.


i just dont want them on a respirator or something.


PS: the risk of lung issues is mostly from the csection, not the preemie birth. when a baby gets pushed out, a womans body constricts, which kind of "springs" the lungs into action, by pushing fluid or whatever out. with a csection, there isnt the pressure on the lungs, which leads to "grunty" breathing, flared nostrils, etc..


I am SO glad they doing it early given your situation. Really, in your situation I think it's a good idea. My daughter was born at 38 weeks exactly via c-section and she was fine, and I didn't have an amnio. I will be praying for you on Monday, and hope all goes as planned.


I am sure your babies will do fine! Good Luck! I had a cousin born 30 years ago at 30 weeks and he had Down's and 4 holes in his heart and he survived just fine and is a happy 30 year old.


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