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how common is "period" during pregnancy?


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how common is it to have regular bleeding "periods", but be pregnant?


I worked with a girl awhile back, who told me that she got three "periods" before she found out she was pregnant, and had been pregnant during all three of them.


I am asking because the last time I had sex was like.... mid march.


I have not gotten a period for the month of june.... I am a little over 10 days late


may I was about a week late (extreme stress, but also really light period)... april I was on time ...


I have been under stress due to my ex and I breaking up and other things in my life


I understand stress makes it crazy, I just have not been this late ever I don't thnk...


I know I am just freaking myself out. but how common are "periods" when pregnant?


I have had PMS symptoms for a few weeks now, I keep expecting it and it won't come. I am worried

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From what I know, it's pretty rare. If you are worried, though, take a pregnancy test. If you were actively using reliable birth control while sexually active you are probably not pregnant, and it is probably just the stress. Take a test to ease your mind-- plus, if you are pregnant, it will be better to find out early anyway.

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Yeah, some women get what's called 'breakthrough bleeding'. It can come around the time their periods are due. It happens early on and I think it is due to the hormones levels not being high enough to stop your period(I don't know the technical jargon). It can happen at 4, 8..SOMETIMES 12...But usually its within the first couple months. I didn't have this, but I know some women do.

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IF your worried then take a pregnancy test. Bleeding in pregnancy does happen yes. My nan didnt find out she was pregnant till 5 months cos she had 'periods' they arent true periods though.


If it doesnt come for a while you could go to the doctors to check for hormone levels etc.

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