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I think that dreaded day is approaching

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im in day 30 NC although i continualy look at her facebook. ya i know looking at facebook is considered breaking NC but not to me. anyway shes been posting stuff on her facebook that eludes to there being another guy in the picture. or atleast someone shes interested in. I could totaly be over analyzing and that's not the case but i just have a gut feeling..... got to prepare myself.

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recently i went out with some friends to a club downtown and we ran into a few friends from school. one of the girls who knows me wanted to take a picture wiht me and she put it on facebook. i wonder if this is some kind of retaliation for that. i know she had to of seen the picture.

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Some girls can be like that. A problem for me with my ex is he was very much a womanizer, and even though he never did anything he liked the attention, it was kind of like a game to him, plus he had more girl friends than guys....made me very skeptical.


You won't know if this is just something that happened or in retaliation unless you ask.

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no way i havnt tallked to her in 30 days and the last text conversation we had was me spilling my guts out pleading and begging and all of the above only to have her not even respond. theres no way i can be the one to initiatee contact ever again. ive already done it twice and got shut down. in the beginning she told me how much she missed me and how "she needed to fix herself first" and made all these hints at us possibily getting back together in the future. it just hurts so much to have somone seemingly so in love wiht you one moment then the next moment were complete strangers going our own separate ways. the only thing is im only making the illusion im getting over her going out and meeting girls and stuff. alot of girls have been flirting wiht me when i go out and it feels nice dont get me wrong gives me a nice confidence boost. but none of them equal her. i wonder if she knows just how much i miss her right now.

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Same is going on with me just the opposite in a way. Guys are interested and I'm myself but I'm not available, even if I'm single.


There are times your plans don't always go as you planned and things happen unexpectedly like you'll meet a girl that'll change your whole perspective, or she'll meet a guy she never expected to that disrupts or affects her original plan with you. Not all things go as planned. Sometimes you need to discover more of yourself before going back or getting back together.

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Honestly I would just block her or deactivate your facebook account. I used to do the same thing. I would "stalk" her facebook trying to make sense of things and over-analyze everything. It was like an addiction. A self-destructive one at that. It was driving me crazy. What ultimately made me deactivate my account was seeing her with the new guy in pictures. It also helps that I was getting bored with FB and over the years it caused me more problems than anything. Every once in awhile I get urge to reactivate my account to see what's she is up to but I know it won't help me.

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When my ex and I first broke up, all he did was post what he was doing, all the fun he was having, smartass quotes/comments, etc.

He was bored, trying to keep busy, to get his mind off of what was going on with us.

(He admitted this later) And all the pictures he was posting it made me realize how much I missed him but I knew in time things owuld be better and they are NOt perfect but better.

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When my ex and I first broke up, all he did was post what he was doing, all the fun he was having, smartass quotes/comments, etc.

He was bored, trying to keep busy, to get his mind off of what was going on with us.

(He admitted this later) And all the pictures he was posting it made me realize how much I missed him but I knew in time things owuld be better and they are NOt perfect but better.


did you break up with him or him break up with you?


In a way i kind of would like to just see that theres another guy in the picture and just get it over with. it's going to sting at first but it will let me completely move on. as hard as i try there is always that small part in the back of my mind thats waiting for us to get back together someday.

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I was FB stalking my ex, too. I deleted him as a friend. It just wasn't healthy. He didn't even post anything! lol. I feel that the best thing is ignorance. Why hurt yourself? Why do you need to know? Why do you have to keep in touch. You don't. I hope to never run into him again... that makes things nice and easy doesn't it

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I was FB stalking my ex, too. I deleted him as a friend. It just wasn't healthy. He didn't even post anything! lol. I feel that the best thing is ignorance. Why hurt yourself? Why do you need to know? Why do you have to keep in touch. You don't. I hope to never run into him again... that makes things nice and easy doesn't it


because if i delete her now she will know i'm weak and whatever she's doing is getting to me. i took her off my feed but im just not strong enough to stay away from her page lol. i dont know what i want. part of me does want to stay away and just be unaware but the other part is telling me if i find out shes with somene it will be better in the long run of my healing process.

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because if i delete her now she will know i'm weak and whatever she's doing is getting to me. i took her off my feed but im just not strong enough to stay away from her page lol. i dont know what i want. part of me does want to stay away and just be unaware but the other part is telling me if i find out shes with somene it will be better in the long run of my healing process.


As I mention in my first post, you are much better off. I used to think it would show weakness but in the end I rather look weak and keep my pride. Seeing my ex with a new guy was like a knife in the heart. I would advice blocking her before it's too late, but I guess you will have to learn it the hard way.

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