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heavy swollen and sore breats


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i am posting this on behalf of my girlfriend, she said her breast is heavy swollen and sore the last couple days, she does not have a period nor she is pregnant she is sure about that, she takes pills to prevent pregnancy, we don`t use condoms because like i mentioned she uses pills, have anyone gone thru this before, what this could be. thanks in advance

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I have I actually thought I was pregnant once because of my swollen breasts and I was scared I thought for sure I was pregnant but thankfully I wasn't. Swollen breasts are a factor in pregnancy but they are also a factor in menstrual cycles and taking the pill. I wouldn't worry as long as she is taking the pill she should be fine If it makes you feel better get a home pregnancy test or go to the doctor but I think she'll be okay

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I know for me, My breasts get swollen and sore always a week before I start my period and stay that way until the 3rd day of actually being on my period. It's due to the hormone change per month causing water retention. If you're girlfriend is not even close to starting her period, it could be something as simple as a change in diet. But if the soreness doesn't go away at all, she should see a doctor because it could be due to a hormonal change or imbalance, medications she's taking and/or her birth control pills.

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