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I fear that I am losing my lover...


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My girlfriend and I just cancelled our wedding plans, after more than 2 years together. She is 19 years younger than I am, and I am afraid that she ultimately fears that we are not compatible. We get along incredibly, but certain issues have compromised our mutual trust in each other (my issues have been financial security, her's sexual fidelity). Although this seems doomed/ no win, we have both committed (verbally) to giving it one last try. I must now decide if I can live with her expressed desire to "explore a sexual relationship" outside of ours. After 2 years of incredible communication, and 1.5 years of incredible sex (for both of us), she has been losing her sexual attraction to me, while I remain incredibly turned-on by her. I always feared that one day she may wonder if someone closer to her generation would have been available for her- and I feel that my fears have become reality. I am so hurt because although at times the age gap had been evident, her maturity, my youthfulness (and immaturity to some degree) and our intellectual/ spiritual connectin seemed to minimize any other issues. I guess that this is the day of reckoning. But I am so sad, I feel so alone, like the one that I love is dying, that I have trouble right now looking past the pain...

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hi there,

is it the fact she is getting abit sick of sex? if so try and lay off the sex for a while talk about things go out together have fun.


if your worried the age is bothering her talk to her about it two lovers should be able to talk to eachother about anything if you have any worries confront her with these fears, when you have the times take her hand sit down together and talk it over if its your last chance you want to try your hardest and you'll have to sort this worries or it'll build up and get worse

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