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my ex messaged me through facebook

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Backstory: went out for 3 yrs, she left me over a stupid fight. came back 6 months later left me again 3 months ago stating that she didnt love me anymore and didnt want me to ever look for her again.


So i did just that. i didnt message her i went on complete NC. Two weeks ago i got a friend request from her on fb but i didnt let it phase me. i kept my cool and i didnt accept or ignore. Today i go to my fb acct and there is a message from her.


"how ironic i barely read this message. When i read it i thought about all those times we were together nothing but beautiful moments."


I really dont know which message she is talking about since i sent her quite a few a few months ago when she was breaking up with me AGAIN.



What i really want to do is answer "yeah moments that you threw away when you left me twice!" BUT i wont do that. i'll keep my kool. i'll keep calm and collected because the past is the past and there is no reason for me to get bent out of shape over someone that hurt me so much.

I know she is expecting a reply or for me to awcknoledge the message but i dont see the point in messaging someone who a couple months ago told me to leave her the hell alone.

Whatever reasons she had to send that message i really do admire her BALLS but its tooooooo late now. Ive been hurt really bad by her and dont want to go through that again so i'm going to ignore it. its in MMMMYYYY best interest and if shes suffering or now realizes what she lost, well, its not MY problem anymore.

I finally understand that she has to own up to her actions and i cant be the one thats always there to pick her up so she can slap me down.


I dont know about you but i sound as if im healing!

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