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I got my asnwers


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While you're friend may not have lied, she is still not the best source for this information. Only your ex would be able to give you the answers you are looking for. Since you two are broken up, it is best to try to find closure without getting those answers from him, and move on as doiiiieeezie said.

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Love is not enough in a relationship. Some people just don't know how to behave properly and despite FEELING love, they don't really know how to SHARE and GIVE love. Lots of people who truly feel love for their partner, may lie or cheat or abuse their partner. It is not that they don't love their partner, it is that they don't know how to deal with their own insecurities and demons so they act very inappropriately and are incapable of truly showing the love they feel. In other words, they are emotionally messed up and feeding their own inner turmoil takes precedence over feeding their love for the other person.

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I feel like in this situation no amount of information is ever really going to satisfy you. Even if you find out these tidbits you'll wonder about different "what ifs" then if you get those answers youll ask additional "what ifs"... it's going to be a neverending cycle because in your mind the main question you want to ask is "how come we aren't together anymore?" Don't sit there any ponder this kind of stuff as it is a virus... it will consume your thinking... instead accept whatever it is that happened... I once told myself " It doesn't matter if i took a plane, a train, or a car.. I still got to Montreal".. same thing here it doesnt matter if she left for me someone else, she left because of something i did, or she left because she just wanted to be single... she left. Point being only you yourself can provide yourself with closure... Accept it for what it is for now.. Convince yourself that this was part of the grand plan which is your life. That chapter may be closed, but the novel is far from completed...

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