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Would she still have feelings for me?


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So I met this girl online and we exchanged contact details. We spoke on MSN a couple of times, and I could tell she liked me because she was flirting etc. However, the last time we spoke was in early April and I'm assuming she's talking to some other guy on MSN (thanks to some MSN stalking on my part because now she's always on. "Always on" means an average of 10 hours a day as opposed to the usual 2 hours. I really do like her, but I was too scared to start the convo in the past. So now I kind of know how it feels to have a missed opportunity.


So if I initiate the conversation, will she still have feelings, or will we have a half-hearted conversation going nowhere?

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You never know. I started speaking to my now boyfriend 6 yrs. or so ago on another relationship message board. We spoke for a few months on IM, and then he pretty much disappeared on me. Over the course of the next few years, I would send him emails and hear nothing back. I obviously thought about him quite a bit even though we weren't speaking for some reason. Then all the sudden one day he replied to me out of the blue, and here we are almost a year later getting ready to live together. The point is, you never really know until you give it a shot. Just shoot her a message to let her know you've been thinking about her and ask her how she's been.

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