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Men and communication?


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Is it common for men to not be very communicative towards their girlfriend? Like, they don't contact often? I sort of came to the revelation that because my ex whom I dated almost 6 years talked and talked and would even talk about makeup, that I've come out of a relationship with next to no past experience with how to expect a lot men to be. So I get confused.. sometimes I feel like my past relationship was...it was a feminine relationship? I don't want to make it sound mean because it's not..., I don't mean it mean. My friend told me welcome to the world of dating a guy.. lol. I'm seeing someone new and feel like I suck at this, I've only had one past relationship.


I know there are other men like my ex, I"m not stereotyping or anything, but I know it's not as much the norm. Btw I don't want my ex, I'm just referring to what I know and have experienced. I'm not comparing bad, I just don't know any better I guess? lol.

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Thanks mouseno4.. I know that and didn't mean to word it like that.. I tried to retype my post lol..


I know they come in different ways, but still, I feel like my past experience was very abnormal, looking back.. so I feel so out of the loop seeing someone new, lol.

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Yeah but there's always a catch-22 ! He was great that way but I wasn't allowed a life and he was very controlling/insecure... Unfortunately, when my ex came back, I said no, mostly due to this and the other usual reasons.. ugh so frustrating, really.. thanks so much, you make good points.

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I agree with mouse, I think it's rare to find a guy who doesn't care about the "image" he portrays. Personally, I'm the same way. I'm super open with communication and conversation so I can talk about anything and everything.


A lot of guys just take a while to build up that level of communication though, so don't let it be a deal breaker right off the bat

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Hey thanks MakeitCount, you were there for me so much when my ex came back, so much has changed since then, lol. We've only been together 2 months but the contact has dropped significantly lately.. I'm not clingy or anything, I'm just not used to this and didn't know whether to pass it as normal or otherwise, lol. I'll hang in there and see what happens. It probably doesn't help that we speak different languages, aha...


I hope you are doing good!

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Hey thanks MakeitCount, you were there for me so much when my ex came back, so much has changed since then, lol. We've only been together 2 months but the contact has dropped significantly lately.. I'm not clingy or anything, I'm just not used to this and didn't know whether to pass it as normal or otherwise, lol. I'll hang in there and see what happens. It probably doesn't help that we speak different languages, aha...


I hope you are doing good!


I'm well, ex recently got in touch, so we shall see. Not as direct as your ex though


Glad you're moving on well. Keep in mind cultural differences may be an issue too. I'd say if things don't improve, do as mouse said and talk to him about it. Once you learn the language. hahah

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Well, you'll have to keep me updated how that goes!! . You and I both know my situation was an odd one, lol...


He's just from another province over, and speaks French, and it's hard to believe how different they are at times, so I will keep that in mind. I will talk to him, good idea. I had to move away and he is on course in the army, add on top french, and the way we started dating, so I definitely feel confused at times, with how this is going. It didn't start typically or usual, it was very unusual, but I won't get into it here. lol.

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