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Should i be upset about it ?


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Long story short.Me and my boy share a saving acct together for vacation purposes.Now i m generous with him and i take him out when i can.i told him i want to save a bit so we can go to a vacation together,but he cannot help with anymoney right now so i just putted money in that acct.

Now he was honest to tell me he ll use the card for a pizza to eat at work 15.I say ok.When i looked at account next day he took $ 45 not 15.but he did not tell me.The point is that he buys stuff he dont need,games ,dvd and stuff and cannot afford lunch.When he eats lunch is 15 or more.

Should i be upset?i do not want to make a big deal,but he works 60 hours a week and seems to live beyond his means.How to adress the issue ?

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Wow that is a major betrayal of trust. Is there any good reason why he should have assumed that it was ok to spend that money in this way? What did you agree to before hand. If things were clear then close/deny access/pull your money out of the account. If it was not clear what your rules for the account were, then tell him exactly and give him a chance to follow those rules.

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I would have a real problem with a guy telling me he took $15 but it was $45.


I would not love a guy who tells little lies.


What you are faced with is staying with a guy you would like to be a potential partner who doesn't value a dollar the way you do - that's financial disaster and heartache for you.


Marriage is hard. Financial stress between couples is real and a huge player in divorce and these are couples who generally agreed the same as far as money principles.


Your guy isn't likely to change his habits overnight and if he knows what he can get away with he has no hope of changing them at all.


I see this a problem for you and a reason to evaluate this relationship.


Good Luck

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Wow! You do realize your BF is just using this "savings account" as his way to mooch off of you, right? You say he always tells "little lies", and that you do not trust him. You cannot have a relationship without trust. You can't continue a relationship with someone who deals with finances so differently from you. Lunch does NOT have to cost $15/day. He needs to start acting like an adult, and prioritize his finances. If I found out my BF spent all of his money on video games and other luxuries, then asked me for lunch money, I'd tell him no. He can go sell one of his games if he needs to. If he was short on cash because of something legitimate, and it didn't happen very often, then of course I'd help him out, as he would for me too. But your situation is nothing like that. I'd really reconsider the relationship if I were you.

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