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She asked "By the way why are we doing this again?"


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I met this girl (as you can see from previous posts) and we had this flirty thing going when we'd be at practice together (we are in a sports club together) almost 5 days a week. We're currently in university ages 21, 20.


Initially we emailed a few times and she said she liked home cooked meals. So I flirted with her over email for a while and said she should come over next week for dinner. She said "sounds good". Then over some other emails I asked her to guess something and we ended up on this decision of her saying if I wanted to ask her something I should meet her early one day before practice. So I get there early and ask her out for dinner and she's like ya didn't you say that in your email. At the time I thought it was a date because I'd formally asked, but now I'm thinking it wasn't and she was referring to a friendly thing.


So she came over last weekend and we had a good talk and a good time. So I decided to ask her for dinner again at the same time this weekend, and she was busy. So we texted like 20 times back and forth finding another time and decided on Sunday lunch. Then after I said "ok fine Sunday lunch it is" she asked me "By the way why are we doing this again"...and it struck me that she felt it was completely a friend thing and nothing more. Or is she waiting for me to say something about us and make it a more official date??


I'm so lost and at first my friend told me to be friends and see how things go, but it feels like even though I'm attracted to her she's viewing this fully as a friend thing....


ONE LAST THING....I see her almost everyday at practice (sports club) which makes me hesitant to do anything rash because if things fail its going to be a long school term....


Comments/suggestions anyone...?

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All you can do is try to make it seem like as much of a date as possible. Flirt with her. It's a bit hard to maintain mystery when you see her 5 days per week, so I'm not sure if it will work out. It sounds like she only wants to be friends. If you get that vibe from her after asking her on another date, or if she says that she's not looking for a boyfriend or whatever, say "that's cool" then be non-chalant and scale back a lot. Even then if she's not feeling it, it may be best to move on.

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