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Suddenly hooked on D-bags. Help?


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So kinda a complicated story. I went on a cruise a few weeks ago and on New Years I had a little much to drink. I'm a freshman in high school and i went back to a seniors room and we made out and i politely refused anything beyond him taking his shirt off (IK IK its still a skanky move. I really haven't been drunk before that though) Well this kid was kinda a D-bag as it turns out. he has a gf in his hometown and is just not really a nice guy. All I can think about is wanting to be back w/ the guy from the cruise (who is really really not good for me and I know it) anytime I'm with my guy friends here, and I feel like I'm pushing them away but the thing is I'm suddenly bored of this life and these friends. I SHOULDN'T BE and I know it. I am friends with some pretty good guys. I mean they party occasionally but its like I suddenly don't wanna be good. How do I make myself WANT to be with my REAL friends again? I seem to suddenly like all those guys who are just bad to girls and good for one night stands and I don't want to be like that... I just can't help it.

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You do not have to be worried about being alone on this.

There will be things which do attract you to the D-bags.

I know D-bags who are rarely without women.

There is something about them which many women are indeed attracted to.


I personally have not been given a straight answer on the reasons besides the kind of confidence they have when talking to women.

They are fun guys to be around for women which I personally can see as an attractive trait.


No one can tell you to stop being attracted to D-bags, it's up to your feelings.


You have pointed out all the issues with this guy and guys like him.

So you already know it's wrong.

But that doe not mean you won't go there.


It's up to you to listen to yourself because you know what this boy is like or just go there and see what happens.


Your call.

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You need to look at yourself and make a firm decision you don't want a D-Bag, certain personalities subconsciously gravitate to D-Bags, its just like self defeating people gravitate toward people who are more in control (of themselves, and sometimes more controlling of others)

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haha thanks guys. lol. Kinda hoping I can stick to my non dbag (sorry I just really couldn't think of another name that would describe them in a way you all could tell what I meant) policy cuz there is a huge party nest weekend with over 500 kids going so we will see. I'm trying. haha..... Oh and theres the fact that some friends and I are going to a city about 40 minutes away from the kid from the cruises house over spring break and he wants to hang so I really really really will try and behave, like really. I just have no self control sometimes and I can be really stupid. But yeah I'm working on it so thanks.

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haha thats true^ Kinda... except I'm sort of like REALLY bad at the whole No Strings Attached thing...and really I need to not hook up with anyone in the first place- I'm a virgin and planning to stay that way until I'm atleast outa highschool. But thanks for the advice and I'll try to get my priorities sorted out and keep them that way no matter who I'm with. Its how that I'm stumped on now.

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