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Complete head wreck

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I broke up with my boyfriend on Xmas day. Id been struggling with his level of commitment for a long time and he always put me second. We had discussed moving out but saved zero money in six months and seemed perfectly happy living with his mum even though he's 30. He then received a text message on Xmas day from a girl friend but by this point it was the icing on the cake for me and I decided for my own sanity to walk away.


Since then weve spoken a few times. Him sending me texts asking if his stuff is at my house and to tell me hes moving out of his mums house (which really upset me)


I knew it was the right decision but this weekend (we havent spoken now for a week) I am beginning to miss him so much. Its like an aching. Theres a massive hole in my life where he was and I dont know what this means.


If your reasons for breaking up with somebody seem justified why am I in a position where I'm craving seeing him. I'm desperate to see him or talk to him..


Can anybody help? its driving me insane!

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Having good reasons to break up with someone does not mean that you won't feel heartbroken once you actually do it. People often still do go through most of the same grieving process as a dumper - if they are the dumpee but were "forced" into doing it because they feel they weren't treated well.


So I would not read anything into the fact that you miss him and feel awful - it's natural that you would feel that way. It's natural that you still have feelings for him. The real question is if you want the relationship or not. If you had good reasons to leave him in the first place, I really don't see how his claim that he is going to move out of his mother's place now that you have left him changes much. Even if this is something that really upset you before, the fact that he would have happily stayed there if you hadnt left him suggests you have very different ideas about how life should be lived.


Also your post suggested that your real issues were more about a general inability to prioritise you or the relationship.


I suppose all I'm saying is don't read into the fact that you have feelings for him still some meaning like: "Oh this means I really love him and we should be together" because to quote the old cliche, love's not enough.

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