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so confused

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its been nearly 3 months now and i feel no better not even a little bit im supposed to be her friend now but like every time i talk to her i feel dead inside n im trying to help her now with the guy she got back with after she broke up with me. the other day she textd me saying...


''every time i hold his teddy i feel like breakin down''

every time she says somehting liek that i feel like shootin my self why cant i just get rid of this feeling

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It's not healthy for you to be her friend at the moment. In fact, it's a little self-destructive for the exact reasons you describe. It hurts to hear her talk about another guy. What if she got back with him? You'd want to hear about how happy she is? Cut off this friendship for the time being and take your time to heal.

It'll get better....but it only starts to get better from the point in time that you're not in touch with her. So, you're putting off some more pain and also continuing to be in pain....it kind of doubles the ammount of time it'll take you to really feel better.

Tell her you wish her well but can't be her friend right now.

Focus on yourself....not her getting back with this other guy.

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I know the feeling to an extent my friend. My ex wanted me as her best friend and started calling me on her way to and from dates! She wanted to hang out afterwords. After this happened two days in a row, I cut her off. NC is the only way to go in your situation. Stop torturing yourself and stop living in a self built hell. It won't be easy at first but it will get better. If you don't cut her off it will only get worse.

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