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Learning another language?


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Audio CD's ripped to your mp3 player. Also, if you know someone who speaks that language, have them communicate with you in that language.


I have a lot of family in Belgium and the best way for me to learn Dutch was to listen to my mom have conversations with the family over the phone (mom's from Belgium), and I also requested my relatives over there e-mail me in Dutch and only Dutch.

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I always found the best way is taking classes, then stay in a country where they speak that particular language for a while, or at least go on holiday there and pick up as much as you can. Also, having a friend who speaks that language helps.

I can buy as many books and cd's of a language I want, but I found if I don't go to classes I'm having trouble sticking with it. And there's no one to correct you if you're learning it wrong. So, I just take classes when I want to learn a language. I'm currently learning two languages in evening classes.

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This is going to come completely out of left field, but I was reading about this artificial language called Esperanto. Check it out.

Says learning Esperanto, could help you learn other languages.


Could be an interesting read, at the very least.


As for an overall methodology, from what i've read, immersion is the most important. You can take classes, or not. But if you're living in the country where the language is spoken, that's going to be the best kind of environment to learn a new language in--however you learn it.

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I know my boyfriend learned English by taking classes, listening to music in English while having the lyrics printed out or in front of him in English, and by just trying to talk to people with the small amount that he knew. His English now is very good, but it took him a while to learn it.

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