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Unsure what to do


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In a nutshell, my ex and i broke up 3 months ago after two and a half years, we were living together for most of that. We also work together on once a week or so. I'm finding the split very hard to deal with. I am very up and down and very confused. I didn't see the split coming, we'd been having a rough time for a while but i was hoping we would sort things. He has suffered with depression for 10 years, which he is on anti's for, towards the end of our relationship family issues where getting to him, the biggest was his first niece being born prematurely and his older brother needing a lot of support. He was approaching a milestone birthday and we split just before it.

When we split he told me it was not what he wanted, he felt forced into it and hoped there was someother way. I over reacted and did everything i shouldn't have, telling him we could sort it out etc, to which he replied he just couldn't see it at the mo, he wasn't happy with his life, missed spending time with his friends and didn't like all the drama of being in a relationship, this might make him worse but he didn't want to give me any false hope. We were in contact for a while and everything seemed to be good but i kept pushing him and now he is ignoring me, we are pleasent while at work and i'm trying so hard not to contact him but i still have belongings at his house.

Anybody have any advice?


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If he wants his belongings it's up to him to get them. Don't use that as an excuse, it will back fire.


I would just give him all the time and space he requested. After all, if you love him you'd give him anything you could right? Well, at the moment all he asks for is distance. Give him all he can handle.


Will it work to make him miss you and have things end positively for you? Maybe. Now's not the time to live in that train of thought though. He worries about him. You worry about you. If he wants you to worry about him and vice versa then he will let you know. You have to let him come to you though and patience is so critical here. Keep your hope and faith in the one you love but be patient and go about your day as if you don't need him...because technically, you don't.


Stay patient. Stay strong.

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Thanks for the replies, i just feel so helpless. He managed to get back to me about my belongings, says he will give them to me at work in a couple of days, which truthfully i don't really think is fair, no need to bring work into it and have an audience. (should i tell him that?) Will try my best to stay strong, its all just got so messy and he won't give me 5 mins to talk to him about things, he's just blocked it out. I get worried at times that he'll forget about me which i know he won't but things start going around in your head and get blown out of proportion.

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