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why do i seem to break a relationship,so i can fix it??


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Me and my gf were chatting about our relationship a few days ago,it was a nice chat,no shouting,no blaming.when she said to me that "you seem to want to break the relationship,so you can fix it"I asked her to explain what she meant,and her reply was "you dont seem to like it when the relationship seems to be going ok,its like you need a rollercoaster ride,u seem to need to break it,so you can fix it,It seems that when everything is ok,you are fine with it for a while,then you need to do something to break it,wheather it be saying something,or doing something,then we have the same talk,and then you say maybe we should split,i will say thats not what i want,we will chat some more,then everything is fine again,for a while"


The thing is,she is not the first of my gf's to say this,i have know at least one other say it,and the more i look at it,the more i think she could have a point.Does anyone else do this kind of thing??Have you found a way of controlling this,and maybe just got on with enjoying the relationship.i do love her alot,and i do think she does love me,and i feel that this is causing me more trouble than i thought.

All answers welcome.



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I have seen this kind of cycle in myself before. Unfortunately I pushed the last one away so much he finally left for good. I hate that I'm like that and I've noticed that I almost get "bored" when things are going so well. I have found a few articles online that are centered around addiction to the drama that is caused. It's a weird thing to go through but I don't think you are alone.

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