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Did I do the right thing?


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I girl I had a long distance relationship with for several years (on and off but mostly on) will be visiting my home city next week. We've talked about for a while and I decided to take the week for work so that I could be with her for her stay.


What has be a bit perturbed is taking off a full week. I'm only in the job since the middle of November and whilst they said it was fine, I'm feeling iffy about taking 5 days leave out of my 20 annual days so early in the year.


I think alot of this is worrying for the sake of it because I never go on holidays and as I get 5 days per quarter, I'll have another 5 days to use come April. I am a natural worrier so is this a case of making a mountain out of a mole hill?

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If my LDR guy was visiting I'd gladly take the 20 days in succession to stay with him the whole day and not have to go to work....if she's worth it, taking 5 days off in one go is nothing. My opinion....

Have you met her before, by the way? Or is this the first time? I'm worried about how you feel about her if you feel that taking 5 days off is too much.........

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Thanks guys.


No, my trepidation has virtually nothing to do with her, I want to see her. rather, it's just my own worrysome attitude that I shouldn't be taking leave from work so soon after starting


As I said, I'm a worry bug and this is probably something out of nothing

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