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Sharing my story, (and a bit on signs of attraction)


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Hello, I've been a reader long enough and decided to register for an account today.


I like a co-worker and I try not to make my fondness obvious. It's rather hard because whenever he talks to me I can't stop smiling (HELP!). I laugh at the SLIGHTEST funny things he does/say and I know my giggling exposes me. -_-


I make sure I don't bump into him in the office, approach him face to face, or ask him questions about himself. Basically limiting my contact but a lil difficult as there are only 8 of us in the office, Rofl


Why the avoidance? Because he's married.

I know I'm the one to suffer if I fall too deep.



Here's another part to this entry: Never rely too much on body language to decide if someone likes you.

On the other hand, I'm really curious to find out about the signs YOU (male and female) exhibit (or the lack of it) when you're attracted to someone!

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