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I have struggled with physical and mental health issues for most of my life. I don't usually let these problems get to me, but they do make me feel very alone sometimes. Between my arthritis, degenerative disc disease, meniere's disease, depression, and severe anxiety I have a lot of problems feeling out of place, but the worst things for me are actually my phobias. I have phobias of water (not baths or showers, but pools, rivers, lakes, and oceans), feet, and doorknobs (this is the most troublesome). I have heard of other people having phobias of water and feet, so even though I would still like to overcome them it makes me feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one facing it. However, I have never met someone else with a phobia of doorknobs. I can't touch them at all and being near them makes me extremely anxious. Needless to say it keeps me from doing a lot of things, especially by myself. Does anyone else have this fear? Or know someone who has it?

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Have you gone for professional help?


Also, in order to overcome a phobia, take baby steps to get there. Slowly get yourself more used to water, by going to a lake, then standing closer to the lake, then standing ankle deep in the water, etc. Just take it step by step.

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It could be related to a trauma of some form you had with doorknobs directly or indirectly. It's not the texture I'm assuming? Just any shape & form of a doorknob? It may be beneficial to see a counselor who may be able to pinpoint the cause and steps in overcoming fear.

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I can tell you with 100% certainty that a doorknob can't hurt you when you're wearing gloves. Gloves take away almost all the power from the door and reduce them to a simple tool which helps you open doors. Also, if you wear gloves enough, you eventually get the power of gloves without having to wear them!

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I do realize that the only way to rid myself of my phobias is to get help, and once I gather up the nerve I will eventually go back into therapy. Also, I have tried wearing gloves, but it didn't exactly work out. I know though that I'll overcome my phobia one day. I'm mostly just wondering if anyone else has this problem or something similar, or whether they have ever heard of someone else having it.

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Feet and doorknobs are both nubby things that stick out and are wider at the tip and have similarities to penises. I have definitely heard of foot fetishists subconciously viewing a foot going into a shoe similar to a penis going into a vagina. (That is only one possible way that a foot fetish can develop but of course there are others.)


Jerseymarie, the good news about your phobia of doorknobs is that a doorknob is a specific, concrete object and there is no question as to whether something is a doorknob or not. It's not some vague fear concerning something you don't quite understand. Specific phobias are more easily treated than vague phobias.


The water phobia seems unrelated.


Best of luck and strength to you working on these issues.

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