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Don't Really Know What I am Doing!


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Hey Guys,


I am seeing someone exclusively and really this is my first girl and I don't know sometimes its awkward cause I don't know how to by physical with her. I try but its just awkward...


I know some stuff putting my hand on the small of her back and holding her by the waist.


We have already had our first kiss but every time we kiss I have to sort of ask for it and then we line up. It's not really naturally....


Do you guys see what I am saying? I want to be better so please help me!

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You first have to get comfortable with everything.


Next time you want to kiss her, just do it. No asking, just go for it. Eventually things will ease up a bit, and it will come natural to you.


It's only to be inexperienced, it's all part of learning.

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Young love, at least I'm thinking that is what you have? Don't worry about your technique, nobody does right the first time anyway. Find out what the both of you enjoy and carry on. Practice safe sex and all that.


If you want to feel truly inspired and grateful, read all the threads here about missing the EX with the thought that "thank god that isn't me!!". I'm fairly certain technique will be the last thing on your mind, enjoy your time together.

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Dig it,you're just young and inexperienced. the fact that you want to be better is a great first step.

While you both need to be comfortable with showing affection, you both have needs. You are the male here, take the initiative and be assertive yet patient while she adjusts to PDA and other aspects of physicality. A great example you can relate to is the movie "Hitch." The part where Hitch shows Albert how to move in for their first kiss. 90/10. Move in 90% and LET HER COME THE LAST 10%. Very important here

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well I can relate to you gf a little bit because I'm *kinda* awkward when it comes to contact. What would help ME be more natural is if a guy started to kind of massage my shoulders/back from behind, touch my hair or something and then move in closer with his body- THEN go in for the kiss- first from the side, then pull her around in front of you and you can go for the lips. That would be a little bit of prep. rather than going point blank

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We are still very awkward physically so I haven't tried to kiss her again instead I settle for kissing her on the cheek. I want to sort of slowly breakout of that and just give her simple kisses on the lips. I think once it becomes more common for us to kiss like that we can move past the awkwardness. I am thinking of kissing her again tomorrow but not a make out session just a simple kiss.


I like the 90/10 advice and will try that out hopefully I pull it off properly...I shudder to think how sex will be like if we are this awkward right now...I am going to keep using this thread for advice and any issues that prop up!


How do I get this girl to get more comfortable with being physical with me?

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^lol, I think you guys will be more comfortable w/ each other by the time/if you have sex.

Kissing is fine, but you shouldn't get all worked up or worried about "kissing her today/tomorrow, etc etc". Just try to get comfortable with each other. Keep pushing, for lack of a better word (don't force it in the relationship), for my physical touching, hugging, friendly things. Do things together that prompt you to touch her or something so it's not just random out of the blue awkward trying to kiss. I find that cooking is good for that (I like to cook w/ music so there is usually some dancing involved..haha), outdoorsy stuff, movies/tv.

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We are doing better now...yesterday we kissed a few times like after a hug and what not and I feel like I am a more confident kisser now. We hold hands every now and then....and I put my hand around her on the regular...


Sex is just not even on my mind yet...I hate hearing about her sexual past though! It hurts me to hear!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so now I want go further with this...How do I become a better kisser? Any techniques I can try? The other day I used my tongue more and she was like damn you had your tongue down my throat that time. She said it wasn't bad...I don't remember if she said it was good or not lol


Ladies please comment!

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Am I doing bad we don't make out as much anymore just simple kiss on the lips on tongue. I miss the tongue action...She also mentioned she wants me to be more assertive. She doesn't really like PDA so I am in a quagmire cause even when we are alone we are always in a public place. Theres no where private we can really go...


So when I want a kiss I don't know if I should just go about it.

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