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I really want to tell him: please do not let me go.

Sad Lisa

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My BF is 20 yrs older than me. I love him so much. We have very good time together. I expressed my feelings in an explicated way. I share with him my thoughts. But I feel that he has not opened his heart to me yet. Even though in the closest moment, I sensed that he did not tell me his true feelings. I know he likes me a lot. Otherwise we cannot have maintained on-off-on for over 5 years regardless lost of struggling. But I don’t know if he loves me. I really want to yell to him. We are not young anymore. It is difficult to find someone loves you as much as I do. Why are you holding your feet?

I am just overwhelmed. Any suggestions?

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5 years on and off doesn't suggest "love" as much as confusion, not sure, and maybe doing what's convenient. I agree to just ask him how he feels. Saying "please stay...no one will love you like I do" is not genuine....it's desperate. What you might really be feeling is "I know that I'd like to be with you and you already know what I have to offer after 5 years. How are you feeling about our relationship and future together?" and if he's not the same page, re-evaluate the potential of the relationship.

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