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having one of those moments... when will it end :(

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just sad... it hurts to love someone who doesn't love you back.


I want to stop loving him. Sometimes I think I don't love him anymore, but days like this remind me that I still do. And it hurts. 7 months since break up. I really hope things get better. . .

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*hugs* I'd like to know whether you've done NC as well. It helps a lot.


It's normal to have vacillating feelings and thoughts. It's normal to grieve because of what you've lost. Be good to yourself, reach out for emotional support, and know that things will get better eventually. Healing comes at your own pace, not what other people say it should be.

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I know what you mean. It's been three months for me and two of NC and I'm still completely depressed everyday and hurting. I get upset just driving to work thinking I might pass him and see him and his greener pastures. Sometimes I think it will never get better and that nothing is worth it. Don't feel this way and come here for support. I've met some wonderful people on here and I get emails that make me smile everyday. Just keep going. It hasn't gotten better for me but maybe one day it will. Keep it up.

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We've been NC for about 3 months. Although, I have looked at his facebook a few times. I really need to stop doing that. Maybe that'll help me move on fast.


I did go running earlier, and I feel much more hopeful about my future. I guess I just need to keep busy or just stop checking up on him too.


Sigh. Getting there!

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Block him on facebook and leave it that way! It will help make your progress quicker. There is no need for you to know what is going on in each other's lives now. If he wants to get back together, he will let you know, then you can have the privilege of knowing what he is up to. But for now, block him so you aren't tempted to check up on him.

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I used to check up and see what my ex was doing and it is one of the worst things you can do... you over-analyze everything and if it seems like they're happy, then you get depressed. it's terrible. when you get the urge to check up on them, go outside, take a walk, listen to some music, call a friend/family, read a book... anything to get over that weak moment.


there's also a sense of failure knowing that you aren't strong-willed enough to completely eliminate them from your life


block block block!

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I'm glad you are running, I'm a big proponent of physical anything. Endorphins baby!! I'm feeling fairly blah myself tonight but its my fault. I was cooking dinner and inadvertently made her favorite. Yeah, it really sucks when your damn heart sneaks one by you. Its okay though, more for me.


Right now I want to call her and crash this idea that she's waiting for my call. Waiting for me so she can say I want you back. I know the odds are incredibly long but that's what I want to do. Emo roulette. I won't though but I feel like it. Be strong, we'll get through this and be happy as hell soon enough.

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