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New housemate, friends in floods, dead car battery.


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Hey Guys,


Don't know if I'm posting in the right place and theres a few things I need to get off my chest so I'm just going to rant, ok? I only just got this housemate at beginning of year (2nd Jan) because there was an issue at his old place.


As you may be aware, we have a huge flood in Brisbane at the moment, I was fortunate to live in a high area away from the river so unaffected by the water. However a friend of mine who is overseas at the moment was directly in the path of the flood. I spoke to the manager of his apartment block and he let me in to remove some of my friends things. My daughter and housemate helped me do this, the housemate whinged and whined the whole time because he didn't want to be there.


We got as much as we could before the police told us to leave as we had water rising on three sides and the road was sinking and cracking, it was pretty freaky. We left and the housemate drove like a crazy person out of the area, he was panicked and almost had a few accidents completely due to carelessness. His driving scared me more that the rising water!


Once we had put distance between us and the water, we stopped for food. On return to the car we discovered that housemate left my car lights on! The battery was flat! I bit my tongue and pushed my car (which is a 4x4!) to jump start it. Got it started and thankfully, made it home.


I had to use my car yesterday and housemate wasn't home, it didn't start and my neighbour suggested to push it again. We tried down a big hill close to my home but the battery must be completely dead and wouldn't start so I had to park my car in the next street with my friends belongings in it! I text housemate and asked him if he knew anyone he could borrow a battery charger or jump leads from, he just text back, "No". I text again and asked if he could use his roadside assistance to get it started, again same response.


When he cam home he didn't come through the house, he walked up the side (lives in a granny flat out back) Around 8pm he rang saying he needed to speak to me and come down for a "chat". He said he felt I was expecting his help because I helped him out with a place to stay when he needed somewhere. This isn't true, I helped him out because I had the space and it helps me out with the rent, I told him this at the time. I did somewhat expect his help because it was him who flattened car battery to start with, I don't think thats too much of an ask?


The flood got into the basement of my friend's apartment block, drowned his Harley and is now receding however I've discovered my friend's apartment was spared as the water didn't peak as high as predicted (thank goodness) Now I'm worrying that I did the wrong thing by removing things. Now that rational thinking has returned (which had eluded me at the time) I realise my friend may be angry that I guess I broke the law by accessing his place and removing some of his things without his permission. I couldn't sleep for thinking about it last night. He's not due to return for another 8 days and I intend on putting his things back today.


The housemate laughed and said I removed my friends stuff "in vain". I don't feel like it was in vain at all but as I said, because the flood didn't actually hit him, I'm worried he will be angry at me?

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