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It really does get better - no matter how bad it's been

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Well it's been 16 months and I have healed a lot. I am getting very much back to myself again after 8 months of counselling and a lot of support from my friends.


LSS - lived with him for 18months - broke up with me by txt - starting seeing someone else after 4 weeks and now she lives with him in his ex marital home that I refused to move into with him (logistics & he spent 20 years there with his wife)


Anyway, I have worked very hard on myself and just wanted to encourage all of you that have had your hearts broken and are feeling the pain, it really really really does get better


I was devastated, could not even get out of my bed for the first few weeks, got really sick, did not cope at all. Emailed him, begged him, txt him, totally lost all my dignity in the process BUT I have stopped caring about all that, counselling made me see that I am worth more than he could ever give me and even though I still get sad about what happened and still think about him and what could have been I very quickly snap out of it when I get some logic into the picture lol

I feel strong, happy in myself and have made new stride in the things I want to do in my life, all things that would have been ridiculed had I still been with him and I would never had done! I stopped smoking, signed up for a 10k run, drink very little these days too and feel happier and sane again


Just wanted to say stay strong, dont blame yourself, just learn about yourself and what you want from life, it's too short not to, and maybe you will think (like me) that he/she did me the biggest favour of my life xx

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Kudos to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And as you continue to move along and get into a career you are excited about you will see that life continues to get better and better and before long you will shake your head at the person you once were thinking that things were so bad at that point.


Good for you!

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Kudos to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And as you continue to move along and get into a career you are excited about you will see that life continues to get better and better and before long you will shake your head at the person you once were thinking that things were so bad at that point.


Good for you!


Thanks CatsMeeoow Sometimes I am a bit shocked at myself that I ever even got involved with someone like that, never mind the state I was in afterwards! The lifestyle I fell into when I was with him seems crazy to my "normal" sane self, drinking a lot with him, he smokes a lot of dope and I am ashamed to say I joined him frequently, strange thing is I have never been in a relationship with someone who drank so much or smoked skunk every night before. Hook, Line anbd sinker!


See - He did me a big favour x

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Thanks for the positive thread!!


So awesome and great job!! This is so wonderful and encouraging for other's on here to know there is a silver lining!




Hooray Hooray thanks, these boards were a great help to me, I think it is just hard to believe when you hurt so much but yeah there definitely is light at the end of the tunnel for the heartbroken

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I'm very happy for you verylonely!! Thanks for sharing your story!! It gives me courage that I will get there too evenutally I wished I was free of torment and pain already, too... may I ask you, what you did, to stop blaming yourself? I wished, I could just stop these thoughts... xxx

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