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New Year,new town, Havent heard from him.worried & still on NC"


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AloHa Everyone!

I relocated to a new city state,and though i'm trying to adjust. Trying to meet people and all,it still bothered me that I havent heard from whom i call cyber dumper from my previous post.

Him and I got into an argument,which i deem silly after he I havent heard from before inmonths,why He cuts and restarts communication at his whim. Everything is on his terms.

I already know this but i still,somehow someway want to hear from him,i dont know what it is,low self esteem,I can't shake it off.

Thing is it bothers me that we couldve resolve this argument which he accused of lying to me about another guy,when he has gf,claims how much he loves her and doont mind rubbing it in my face.

The thing is he I have always considered him a friend,when he contacted me before he said we have always been good friends and wants to stay that way. His actions show different, Now he cuts me off,i'm suppose to forget it,I even reached out to him months ago, but nothing.

I Know i'll get the quick Move on forget it,which is fine,Iknow that, just need abit more than that for now thats why I posted here. Pls no,well you never met him etc,this is cyber relationship thread,thanks


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I didn't read the other threads but you say right here that everything has always been on his terms and that you accept that for whatever reason (esteem is one reason you speculate you would tolerate that). There's not much you can do to make changes to a relationship that is not on your terms or even partly on your terms. You just have to wait around and take what you can get when you can get it if that's how you choose to live.

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