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girlfriend wont have sex


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girlfriend and i have always had good sex life but couple months before xmas it kinda slowed down to once a week then over xmas her son became ill and was up everynite so we havent really dne it for just over two weeks,she hasnt had any real sleep for 4 weeks now and im up for it as usual but she says she is to tired.she swears she wants me and it will all be back to normal soon once she gets sum sleep but i just aint sure any comments



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Dude, you said it yourself...she hasn't had any real sleep in 4 weeks...do you think she has the energy to have sex after that and also looking out for a sick child?


If everything was normal in her life and she wasn't interested in sex then yes you should worry. But that is not the case, get off her back. Invest in some nice hand lotion and get to work son.

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As men, we tend to be insensitive at times without really knowing that we are doing anything wrong. With that said, I'm going to help you out here and point out that from a total strangers perspective, you my friend are being quite selfish right now. Your GF is restless, worried, tired, and probably needs your support right now. Maybe on the lines of "Baby, is there anything I can do for you?" Or possibly "No baby, you go get some rest and I'll tend to Little Johnny and his Flu like Symptoms. Now Granted, there isn't a mother in the world worth knowing who would rest comfortably and let her Boyfriend take care of her sick child, but the idea here is that it's the thought that counts.

You my friend are going to have to take the first step of healthy relationship awareness and stop thinking about your own penis when it's clear that you are supposed to be a companion right now. As a matter of fact, feel free to delete this post, along with this reply right after reading it so no one else can bare witness to you being as selfish as you are being right now. I'll take up for you this once and say that you are a man so there is no emotional way possible that you could have known this ahead of time, but for future references, you got to get some female friends man. Wise up before you post things like this in public.

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yea maybe im bein stupid but know that she loves sex,she says she misses it and me in her bed so maybe just gota wait


You need to be more understandable. She is looking after her sick child and it takes a lot out of her. Be supportive and don't push her for sex.

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