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Girlfriend may be pregnant...

Andrew M

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Hey all, I'm feeling a little sick after hearing this news and what not, but I really need some comfort. TodayI recieved a call from my girlfriend, she sounded really nervous and then came out with this...

' Andy I'm really worried but I skipped my period the other day, I thought I was pregnaunt. I took a pregnauncy test and it came back with negative, I'm going to the doctors tonight to get it checked properlly'

Now this is complelty un-planned, I've always worn a condom and what not but I'm really worried now. So many thoughts are going on in my head and just needed to splurge and I don't know what to do...

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I had such situation happening to be many many times. Each time, i thought i was pregnant but at all times, it was just that the period was late.


It could be stress which is delaying the period of your girlfriend. She should wait for max 2 more weeks... then she should test again.

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Yeh thats what I thought it could be, she is going through a rough time at the moment and she has always been known to get stressed. I'm just so worried, I can literally feel my hands getting colder and a cold sweat starting to perspirate. Like I said shes going to the doctor, or ginocologist, I don't know who it is, to get it checked tonight. I personally hope its negative, so then we can talk about extra forms of contraception rather than if she wants to keep it or not.

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Do you mind if I ask how old you two are?


If for any reason that she is pregnant do you two have any plans as far as keeping the baby? Ultimately you two will need to come to a decision 'if' she is pregnant.

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It's good that you two are on the same page if in case she's pregnant. I'm assuming you two did research on abortion and the risks involved? If not I recommend them. Ask plenty of questions with the doctor and make sure this is what you want.


This isn't about what you should do or don't do. There's always a risk involved. Of course if you two decide to keep the baby that would be a completely different story.


And it could simply be that she's not pregnant!

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Yeh I know the risks and what not I read up alot on it and what not when she first told me a couple hours ago and just thought i need to know what i should do. But yeh she might not be, I hope she isn't cos then we can talk about extra contrception instead of this

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Yeh, few! she isn't, that is such a relief, its just the initial shock really gets you, your just like oht ohhh what should I do and it's always good to get things off your chest, but so relieved, definatly going to think about more contraception!

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