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Please help me out; I am depressed. I am not sure what to do.

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First post. I hope you guys are doing great.


Guy here. It is so difficult to explain these feelings I have. I am not even sure what to do. But I will try to be as clear as possible.


I have a group of friends. I hang around with them, it is fun and all that. There is this girl( call her A) in the group who I fooled around with about 2 years back. Then I think she just told everyone that I have a small penis. I am not sure whether she did or not. But the way she behaves and talks about certain topics makes me think so. Like I was at her birthday party 2 weeks back and she got drunk and she went to this guy and infront of everyone she tells him, " Hey I heard you have a small penis from your girl!". She talks things like that. So I have a feeling she has told the girls.


Anyway after the make out session 2 years ago and the feeling that she told everyone about my penis got me sad, but I just thought," * * * * it, disregard females, acquire currency." So I just live day by day.


There is this another girl(B) in the group, who I asked out 3 years ago. But she said no. I get it. But we ended up being best friends (sort of) over the years. Right now if she tells me that she has a thing for me, I would go out with her. But I know she doesn't feel that way for me. She knows girl A quite well. I have a feeling she has told B about my penis. But, girl B has not mentioned anything of that sort.


Now the real thing that is bothering me( I guess) is this: At the birthday party of girl A, there was this guy who is a good friend of mine. Girl B, some other folks and myself were present. Girl A in her drunk state started saying how girl B ( my best friend over 3 years) stalks my guy friend on facebook. They should hook up and blah blah. (Girl B and this guy friend did not know each other till that point.) She also tells this other guy about his small penis(sometimes I feel it was for me, but whatever). Then she continues talking about my guy friend, "Oh my god this guy is so cute, if I was not going with my boyfriend I would go out with him."


Now I think my best friend girl B is going to hook up with him. I feel sick. I dont know why. I do not care if she hooks up with any other guy but just not my friend. I think that is because I would not be seeing the guy often who is outside my friend circle. In the past girl B has told me about this 1 guy who she hooked up with and became complicated. Am I wrong feeling this way? Should I tell girl B ( my best friend) how I feel about her possibility of hooking up with my guy friend? But I worry if she has not planned to hook up with him then I might feel like a * * * * * * * .


I should mention that my guy friend and I are not the best of friends. But we get along well.


Also the other thing that is bothering me is, why do none, I mean literally none of my friends try to hook me up with anyone? I just feel depressed about that.


Saddest thing is, this really stoned and drunk guy at the party, comes up to me and says, " Yo! dude...I think you like girl B, you are a nice guy, brah.". Thing is I do not even know this guy. If a stoned, drunk and unknown guy knows I have something for her, I am sure girl B knows too. I am sure girl A and B know this too in a way. because they sit and gossip alot.


I just cannot understand why these two cannot introduce me to other girls or hook me up with someone. Is it because of the penis thing? It has to be right?


If you guys say stop talking to girl A, then it sort of means I will be the one weeded out of the group. I have thought about cutting her out of my life. She is a mean person. But I just cannot. Because the group wont hang out with me.


If you say change friends, it will be difficult to get new friends at this moment in my life.


Please give me some words of wisdom.


- What should I do about girl A?

- Should I tell girl B not to hook up with my guy friend? Or is that immature? But I know I will feel sick to my stomach and probably puke if that happens.

- Why do they not hook me up or recommend me to anyone? Why does not girl B just throw me a bone and hook up with me? I know the answer to this, friend zoned, sigh!


A sincere thanks to anyone who gives me there views and helps me out, really. I mean it. Thanks for taking so much time to read this thing.

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okay as for the hookup question, you need to hook yourself up with people, no one has to hook you up with anyone.

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what makes you think girl A is telling people you have a small thinger? well don't tell girl B not to hook up with anyone especially out of the fact that you like her, that's not respectable, and sort of immature. let her hook up with who she wants. it sort of sousnd like you just want a relationship, or hookup as you so call it. my suggestion, is to take initiative and start dating, get your hands dirty, might take your mind off of girl A and B issue.

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forget about girl A and tell girl B how you feel but not at a party...do something sweet for her and out of the norm for her. give her a little but suttle taste of how you treat girls. small things work well such as, "you look amazing tonight" will be good and then tell her in a nice way how you feel and just be a nice guy and leave no room for them to talk bad about you and hey man you only live once...no regrets

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what makes you think girl A is telling people you have a small thinger? well don't tell girl B not to hook up with anyone especially out of the fact that you like her, that's not respectable, and sort of immature. let her hook up with who she wants. it sort of sousnd like you just want a relationship, or hookup as you so call it. my suggestion, is to take initiative and start dating, get your hands dirty, might take your mind off of girl A and B issue.


hey, thanks for the reply. Apart from this quote from my original post...


"Like I was at her birthday party 2 weeks back and she got drunk and she went to this guy and infront of everyone she tells him, " Hey I heard you have a small penis from your girl!". She talks things like that. So I have a feeling she has told the girls. "


Here are more:


a) She was telling me how she asked her sister whether her fiance's penis was big.

b) She asked ME, after hooking up with her whether her next guy she liked was big. I mean, Jesus Christ, really? Why you asking me that?

c) Again at some other party a while back, infront of everyone this girl A and some other random girl were like, "Yeah, Audrey told me he is small." They were talking about some other guy.


The amount she gossips is insane.

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forget about girl A and tell girl B how you feel but not at a party...do something sweet for her and out of the norm for her. give her a little but suttle taste of how you treat girls. small things work well such as, "you look amazing tonight" will be good and then tell her in a nice way how you feel and just be a nice guy and leave no room for them to talk bad about you and hey man you only live once...no regrets


Forget about girl A means stop talking to her or..? I dunno what to do.


Telling girl B how I feel is out of the question. I am sure it will get weird after that because I know she does not like me in that way.

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okay as for the hookup question, you need to hook yourself up with people, no one has to hook you up with anyone.


Yeah..but sometimes friends help you out, no? Why is it bothering me so much that these two girls dont want to help me out?

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Yeah..but sometimes friends help you out, no? Why is it bothering me so much that these two girls dont want to help me out?


because for one if you new you could do it yourself youwouldn't care. thats one reason.

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hey enzarto,


Thanks for the PM. You can post it here too. I know my self confidence has taken a hit because of may be girl A. I am trying to regain it.


But I am not sure if when I am in public, how I give out signals that I do not have self confidence.

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no prob.


one thing about confidence is just getting over, CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK. that is not a good trait to have in life period. being comfortable in your own skin, confident, and some humor will win you women...

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